Chapter 117 Relaxation

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After breakfast, they decided to walk leisurely through Gusu to reach Cloud Recesses by the evening. The day was warm and bright, in spite of the cool breeze.

Wei Ying put out his tongue and Lan Zhan watched him with interest, wondering why he would do such a thing.

"The summer days are leaving..." Wei Ying said, a little sadly.

"Mn." Lan Zhan took his hand. "Happens every year." He was smiling.

"Are you making fun of me?" Wei Ying asked with a grin. "And I know it happens every's just...every time it happens, I feel sad."

"Never make fun of Wei Ying." He said, brow furrowed.

Wei Ying bounced back to him. His thumb touched warm skin, trying to erase the worry lines on his forehead.

"Fuddy duddy! I'm kidding with you. You know, you're much more relaxed when you're not living here." He leaned up and kissed his nose. "I love that about you."

"Mn." But Lan Zhan's eyes drifted up towards the mountain that they would be climbing up soon.

"We don't have to go back straight away." Wei Ying told him softly.

"But Wei Ying...misses everyone." He pouted unintentionally.

"I can wait." Wei Ying smiled broadly at him. "Just being here in Gusu is going a long way to curing that lost feeling."

"Then...can we walk around some more?" Lan Zhan asked.

Wei Ying melted.

"You're so cute, Lan Zhan. Of course we can. Anything you want." He grabbed the Jade's arm and dragged him to the nearest stall.

It turned out to be a jewellery one, with a nice selection of combs and hair pins, but then Wei Ying saw something that immediately caught his eye; it was a Jade pendant, circular in shape and it had two bunnies carved in its centre. It was extremely cute and immediately reminded him of Lan Zhan.

"May we buy this?" He inquired.


When Lan Zhan handed it to him, he placed it right back inside his palm.

"I know it's your money, but I've wanted to buy you something for so long now-"

The smile that had been playing upon his lips vanished. He took Wei Ying's hand and marched away, his tall strides making Wei Ying run a little to keep up. There was no time to ask anything either, before they entered a deserted alley, out of the way.

Lan Zhan pushed him up against the broken wall and proceeded to kiss the life out of him, finishing with a particularly savage bite.

"Ow. What was that for?" Wei Ying asked, warily.

"Our money." Lan Zhan emphasised, before diving in again.

Wei Ying sagged against him, completely bewildered.

"That's what upset you?" He swiped the back of his hand across his lips to find them still bleeding.

"Mn. We are married now. Anything mine is Wei Ying's, first. First." He reiterated.

"But Lan Zhan...I'm not bringing anything to this marriage. Only me. And Lil Apple." He whispered, not understanding why he found this so upsetting.

Lan Zhan pulled him close suddenly, not wishing him to continue.

"Wei Ying is amazing. Wei Ying is beautiful, Wei Ying is enough." Golden eyes closed, full of hurt. "Only need Wei Ying. Nothing else." And then fiercely, "I will speak to Brother. About paying Wei Ying. For night hunts."

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