Chapter 15 Clandestine

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Hui Gai was waiting for Li XiWang to be alone. In a way, he was glad for her that she wasn't, and in that, his friend was an excellent parent.

Teachers came and went so often in and out of the Jingshi that Li XiWang hardly had any time to feel lonely. Once her lessons finished, SiZhui would drop by soon and she would go to help him feed the rabbits.

He was happy that his little family was pulling together and were there, for each other.

But he still wanted to say goodbye.

His window of time was slim, but it was always good to see what he could get away with.

He listened in to what he hoped were the final words from her teacher. People could be so...anal.

His super sharp  hearing even heard the little girl sigh under her breath, and he grinned with all his teeth. The teacher managed to last another ten minutes, before finally leaving.

Hui Gai appeared next to her, and she seemed to know whenever he was around, because she didn't even blink. Li XiWang threw her arms around his neck, pleasing him immensely. He tried not to show it, and shoved the bowl of ice cream at her. It was now a gloopy mess.

She looked at him with one eyebrow raised.

"Blame your teacher." He shrugged nonchalantly.

She beamed back at him. "Ice cream is ice cream! Who cares?" And started shovelling the mess into her mouth.

Hui Gai was slightly disgusted, but he loved her for it. There were times when she said things or did things that were so much like his Pengyou, it was getting difficult to believe she wasn't his biological daughter.

She licked the bowl clean and handed it back to him.

"Um, thank you?" He scowled at her.

"Huh? Oh, okay, thank you for the ice cream." She rolled her eyes.

"That's not what I...oh, nevermind!" He put the bowl down and took her hands. "I have to leave, but if you need me, just think of me, really hard. Okay?"

"Where are you going?" She asked quietly, her big eyes widening.

"I'm not exactly sure." He told her the truth. "And I have to keep it a secret, not that I would, from you."

She smiled at him brightly for that one. And then...

"Is it dangerous where you're going? Will you be safe? What are you going to do? How will you get there?" And the last one, which broke his heart. "Will you miss me?"

He gathered her up into his arms, hugging her tightly.

"Not at all, little rabbit. I dream about when I can wake up and not see that ugly face...oh, if it wasn't for my bad karma, I -"

She laughed like he knew she would, putting her little hand on his mouth.

"Stop it! I'm not ugly, so there!" She stuck her pink tongue out at him.

He stuck his red one out at her too, cocked an ear, grinned and vanished with a wave.

Li XiWang turned around and as she expected, SiZhui came into sight, a basket of carrots dangling from one hand. She smiled and waved, running to meet him.

Hui Gai watched them for a few seconds, before returning to his own problems.

His Pengyou had requested he find out about Bai Hua.

That was easier said than done.

If she was an immortal, and basically, a glorified doctor, she could have been living anywhere, in spite of her title, which was something to do with Heaven. So logically, that's where he should begin his search.

However, one thing did not escape his attention.

He was a demon.

He was pretty sure he wasn't allowed there. Also, how did one get there anyway? Without dying? Or doing saintly things?

Could it be as simple as that? He pondered, as an audacious idea bloomed inside his mind. Pengyou always said, attempt the impossible. He drummed his fingers on his chin, tail swishing ferociously.

He loved this new found freedom. Being trapped and bound within that knife, it had been a terrible experience. Pengyou had freed him, had been his first ever friend, the first one who asked for nothing in return. And Hui Gai knew, there was nothing he wouldn't do for him. He loved his Pengyou.

Pengyou told him, intentions mattered, above anything else. That being the case, Hui Gai rubbed his hands, made a wish, and then thought himself into that place.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a green meadow. Clusters of wild flowers grew in patches here and there, bees humming, drunk on pollen. The grasses swayed with the wind, and he had to shield his eyes from the glare of the sun.

Was this Heaven? How would he know? How did anyone know?

It was certainly nice, he thought, sniffing into the air, perfumed with...something.

A carriage rolled by, and Hui Gai deftly turned himself into a fly, and caught up with it. The window was open, and he flew in, settling in amongst the folds of the curtains, undetected.

There were two people sitting inside, one definitely of a higher rank than the other. He was dressed in the finest silk brocades, gold thread woven into the lush turquoise robes. He wore a silk hat, embroidered with peonies, and in one hand, he carried a staff. As he spoke what seemed to be orders, the other man used his fingers to burn the characters onto the parchment he was carrying.

Hui Gai was shocked to recognise him, further surprised when he looked directly at him. He prepared to leave, but the slight shake of his head, had him stay put.

What was Shou Xing doing here?

Hui Gai remembered him, and none too fondly either. This man had brought all sorts of troubles to his friend, and to Li XiWang.

Still, there must be a reason why he wanted him to stay.

So he waited patiently, doing what a fly does, when suddenly, the carriage trundled to a stop. The door was opened, and the man in silk robes was helped out. After a while, the carriage was on its way again.

"Well? Aren't you going to come out?" Shou Xing said, looking directly at him.

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