Chapter 121 Bargaining

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Wei Ying was lost in thought.

Three, two...three, two...three, two...

There must be a way he could come out on top in this, because if there was one thing Wei Ying, Wei WuXian was not, it was a loser.

Lan Zhan pushed a cup of tea towards him, and he blinked awake, still thinking hard.

"What is Wei Ying thinking about?" He asked, ever so innocently.

Wei Ying ignored the tea and wriggled his way into Lan Zhan's lap, earnestly looking deep into amber eyes.

"Lan you remember, when you proposed to me, you promised something to me? And I can't help thinking that you haven't kept it." He pouted, maintaining eye contact.

Lan Zhan thought hard...and then he beamed.

Wei Ying forgot how to breathe.

"Wei Ying is beautiful. Wei Ying is loved. Wei Ying is kind." He said proudly.

Wei Ying looked disappointed, because Lan Zhan had remembered, and now he had nothing to bargain with.

"But you haven't told me that everyday, like you promised." He sighed, as if upset that his husband had forgotten something so important.

"No need." Lan Zhan replied, triumphantly.

"What?" Wei Ying couldn't help his indignation.

"Wei Ying believes it now. So no need. Wei Ying is loved." His voice was almost gleeful.

Like he knew what Wei Ying was trying to do.

It was definitely time to change tactics.

"Okay, we can agree to disagree about that one...but yesterday, when I wanted to see XiChen-Ge, and you only let me go after two kisses, well, I don't think that's fair." He snuggled closer, feeling happy when strong arms cams around him to hold him tighter.

But of course, it wouldn't do to show that. He was here to win, and that's exactly what was going to happen.

"What does Wei Ying think fair?" There was definitely amusement in his voice now.

"Well, since you're obviously using my kisses as a form of payment, we should establish the rate of currency."

Lan Zhan snorted back a laugh.

"What about my kisses?"

"Definitely more expensive than mine." Wei Ying declared with a grin.

"No. Wei Ying is wrong." He sounded hurt.

Wei Ying leaned back to see him frowning, but he looked so adorable, his heart melted.

"Alright, alright, they're the same, okay?" He coaxed, earning a tentative smile.


"But then, how are we to determine which action costs what?"


"Well, this is important. We need to determine how many kisses mean what? For example, if I have to teach a class, then obviously,  that's a lot of kisses. Might even take a whole day...but say, you wanted me to run an errand, I can do five kisses for that." Wei Ying could hear the heart beats getting faster.

This was going to be interesting...

"What if it's urgent? And type of kiss? This also...very important." Lan Zhan smirked.

Wei Ying was delighted he was playing along like this. Light hearted moments were too few and far between.

"The thing is, we can't get carried away, because it's easy to do that, and we might end up not getting anything done. Which would defeat the purpose here."

"Mn. Have idea." He sounded so serious, Wei Ying giggled.

Such a soft look crossed his features, so much love, and so much more.

Wei Ying blushed, hiding his face within the white robes.

"What's your idea?" He mumbled.

"We can time each kiss. Then it's fair."

"Timed? How long?" But he was unprepared for Lan Zhan to peck his lips, whining when the Jade stopped and leaned back.

"For drinking tea."

Wei Ying ended up beaming at him and reached out for the tea he had discarded before. Downing it in one go, he waited impatiently for Lan Zhan to wipe his mouth.

Lan Zhan kissed his temple as a reward.

"Those don't count at all. It would be unfair." He pouted again.

"Mn." Lan Zhan smiled, fully content to let this play out however Wei Ying had intended.

"So only on the lips, and for at least thirty seconds. Who's going to keep watch on the time?"

Lan Zhan produced a sand timer and planted it upside down on the table. Then he grabbed Wei Ying's face and planted his lips on his.

Warmth spread out from his chest, a satisfaction found nowhere else except here, in the arms of his beloved, safe and protected. Little joyful bubbles of excitement exploded all over his body, as Wei Ying followed those lips as they tried to retreat, craving more.

Finally, Lan Zhan had to put a hand between them, covering his lips and effectively stopping the kiss.

They both stared at the timer that was clearly waiting, all the sand having already collected in its bottom half.

"Well, maybe not such a great idea, then." Wei Ying whispered, bashfully.


They both racked their brains trying to think of a solution.

"I got it!" Wei Ying pumped a fist in the air. "What about lighting an incense stick?"

"Twenty minutes. And soon run out of them."

"Hmm. That is a problem."

Wei Ying was so distracted, he didn't realise that Lan Zhan had abandoned their very important conversation in favour of licking his way up his throat. His protests died when Lan Zhan bit down on a particularly sensitive spot, and he mewled.

Wei Ying tried to push away, but the arms around him were stronger than steel bars, caging him in. Lan Zhan's tongue traced the curve of his ear and Wei Ying was powerless to contain his shivers of delight.

When Lan Zhan sucked on his earlobe, that's when talking was forgotten entirely...



Trying to find the dedicate button is a bit of a nightmare so I'm settling for just tagging.

This chapter is especially for DBDavenport8 and WangXianLovingLotus

Simply because without them, I doubt these words would have come out so quickly.

But also for ManuAndhale  and gegeford because they taught me important lessons in the past few days and I value their friendship as an incredible gift.

However, if I am to mention friends, then where would I be without edzooc8r ?

Or my Soul Sister RovenaNatasha?

Chocolate and Hugsies all around!

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