Chapter 97 Foresight

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It was an odd feeling.

Wei Ying could see himself outside, sitting in deep meditation. But then, he was here as well.

"Can you tell us more? It's just....this is difficult to process." Wei Ying asked, opting for truthfulness.

"Okay, imagine all your desires, everything you've ever wanted, both past and present, bundled together with your good deeds and bad, wrapped up in what you identify as yourself, essentially, your ego. Your ling body is just that. It's what you take with you from one body to the next." She patted his arm again, earning herself another scowl from the Jade.

"That is just your shell, invaluable, but empty." She smiled kindly at them both, ignoring the blatant glaring from one of the men.

"It takes a while to understand this. As with all knowledge, hearing is one thing, knowing is another. And you do not have the luxury of time on your side. You need to focus, because five days will go just like this." She snapped her fingers.

"What do we have to do?" Wei Ying asked her, still feeling dazed.

"My Shifu wants to show you something. When she's done, I have to give you her journals while she does something else. Time is of the essence. Come."

Li XiWang was sitting with her pets, stroking both of them full of love. Hexie made them sit in front of her. The animals moved out from between them, but out of the corner of his eye, Wei Ying saw one turn into a white mouse, while the other turned into a hissing snake, so the first one turned into a white mongoose.

"Focus!" Hexie told them sharply.

Wei Ying quickly did as he was told.

"Let us join hands." Bai Hua said, for Li XiWang was still projecting her.

Wei Ying gave her his right hand and his left to Lan Zhan who also held their hands.

"Close your eyes."

In his mind, Wei Ying saw the seventh Dragon King, Tiaopi De Long fighting with the Children of the Tree. His magnificent blue body weaved a dance of splendour and agility, as he avoided their poison darts and landed a few blows of his own, but Wei Ying noticed that his strikes were aimed only to subdue, not to kill. The more he fought, the more this became apparent in his moves, until he was completely outnumbered and pierced with many poison darts.

One hooded woman came forward just as he collapsed on the ground, sword drawn and ready to deal the final blow, when out of nowhere, the ground began to shake and then the wind picked up speed, spinning the already fallen darts back into the air and aiming for their owners.

Another woman stepped up to the dragon and lifted him up amid the chaos, and tried to get away but the assassins were too quick to recover, and they managed to throw a dagger, aiming for her heart.

The blue dragon saw the missile and threw his weakened body in the way, taking the hit for her. She grew terrible and angry, fire bursting from her blue eyes as she sent out a massive spurt of energy towards them, flattening them in an instance. Then, she used the strength from the elements and lifted them both out of there.

Wei Ying could sense her desperation at this terrible situation, her fear that the dragon might succumb to his injuries, and that there was only one person who would be able to help her now.

The next scene was of the outside of this very compound. Bai Hua was tending to herbs in her garden with Hexie, when a commotion had her looking up and see Zai Shu Xia struggling with the Blue Dragon, bringing him to her.

Wei Ying watched as she tried her best to cure him, and even as skilled as she was, it was touch and go for a few days. Finally, the dragon woke one day, free of illness. The couple stayed with Bai Hua for a while, but then the Healer of the Heavens began receiving death threats, all from the Children of the Tree, trying to stop her good deeds.

One such involved a supposed patient coming to collect a cure, but it was an assassin dressed up as an innocent person, and it was only by the quick thinking of Zai Shu Xia who ended up killing her.

After that, both the Dragon King and Zai Shu Xia decided to leave, hoping their absence would prevent further attacks.

Alas, it was not to be.

Wei Ying saw one day, Bai Hua going by herself to the lake. She sat there for a long time, sometimes crying. When she had composed herself enough not to cause worry, she went back to the Oak tree with a smile on her face. He was astonished to see it was as genuine as they come.

In the days that followed, she made her plans and patiently waited, meditating whenever she could.

On her last day, she hugged Hexie for the last time, and kissed DaErduo before locking them inside the tree.

Wei Ying watched her say one last goodbye to her home, to the fields she had so carefully tended, to her garden, where she plucked a single orchid. She held it tightly in her hand, all throughout the rituals to ward off her property and protect her grounds.

Then, she steeled herself and walked out to meet her enemies.

More than a hundred hooded women stood in front of her, and without waiting for her to say anything, they attacked.

Bai Hua made no move at all to defend herself.

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