Chapter 11 Distracted

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Lan Zhan was watching Wei Ying for the past twenty minutes. They had just returned from the infirmary, having given the perfume bottle to Healer Fei to investigate.

Wei Ying was playing with the red tassel hanging off Chenqing, still yet to answer the question he had posed. They were better now, Lan Zhan had almost completely forgiven his husband for expecting that a mere note could be enough to pacify the fear raging through his heart every time Wei Ying was not with him.

Only one more thing was needed to forgive him completely.

"Wei Ying!" He said more forcefully, and was rewarded by silver eyes gazing back at him curiously. "Come here."

Lan Zhan opened his arms, knowing Wei Ying to have zero control over wanting to be closer. Sure enough, he was rewarded with a warm body snuggling so much closer, their hearts beating next to each other.

Lan Zhan smiled for the first time that day.

So many people took his Wei Ying away from him, either bodily or by way of invading his thoughts, like now. It was rare to have Wei Ying so distracted, but Lan Zhan was going to help him return to them.

"What is Wei Ying thinking about?"

The deep voice rumbled up through the muscled chest to speak into his ear, and Wei Ying smiled against his neck.

"Right now, you. I love you, Lan Zhan. My heart feels like those lanterns we release every year, full of light and happiness whenever I am near you. Warm and fuzzy." He reached up and kissed his jaw, and was rewarded with another smile.

"Wei Ying is loved. Wei Ying is precious."

Wei Ying blushed, hiding his hot face ever deeper into white robes.

"Wei Ying is troubled. Should say what it is. Together."

"You're right, Lan Zhan." He leaned his cheek on the Jade's shoulder, and warm hands held him in place.

He felt so safe here.

He breathed in the comforting scent of sandalwood and Lan Zhan, who smiled because he knew exactly what Wei Ying was doing.

"Lan Zhan, what do we really know about Li XiWang's parents?" He kept his voice low, aware of the child sleeping in the next room. "We only know about her father being the seventh Dragon king of the sea. But no one knows where he is, not even his brothers. And we know next to nothing about her mother, except that she managed to leave Li XiWang with my grandmother."

"Mn. And Baise De Hua?"

"Right, Baise De Hua. Hui Gai is trying to find out more about her. We know she was the Healer of the Heavens with unmatched skill in healing. And she was killed by the Children of the Tree. Who by the way, seem to scare everyone. Do you know, Nie Huaisang practically warned me off asking about them?" His voice was starting to slur with tiredness.

"What? Explain?"

The sharpness of Lan Zhan's tone had him waking up again.


"What did Huaisang say? About the Children of the Tree?" Lan Zhan asked again, calming his voice so as not to frighten Wei Ying.

Silver eyes blinked in surprise, and then he resumed his beloved position. He yawned and continued.

"Well, he went all pale looking and sickly, before telling me to ask someone else, or better, not to ask around at all. But Lan Zhan? How do we find out more without doing that? It doesn't make sense..." He yawned again.

"And Daden Yaonu said that Li XiWang's pouch might hold some answers; there was a power surge when she touched those items under water, right? So how can we get her to safely touch them here? Without submerging our daughter in the Cold Pond?"

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