Chapter 32 Corpses

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Lan Zhan ran to the Hanshi, looking for his brother. He knocked on the door and XiChen opened it.

"Didi? What's wrong?" He asked, immediately, his voice full of concern.

"Wei Ying..." Lan Zhan couldn't stop the tears.

XiChen held him close.

"What happened? Where's is Brother Wei?"

"He found out...he found out about that village in JinLinTai."

"He found out!??" XiChen didn't know what to say.

"I told you guys to tell him. You didn't listen!" Jiang Cheng came closer. "Where's my brother now?"

"He took Jin Ling. To the village. JinLinTai." Lan Zhan could barely get the words out.

"I'm so sorry, Didi. It's my fault. I didn't let you tell him." XiChen swallowed hard.

It had been a difficult decision to make. Since Wei Ying had come back, and even though his core was much stronger now, even than before, they really had no idea what would happen if he had to face fierce corpses again, whether it would trigger the demonic cultivation he had previously used.

Would his body be able to take that extra pressure? Would he survive unscathed? As Sect Leader, XiChen had to make tough calls all the time, but this... this was family.

The last thing he wished was for his brother to lose Wei Ying again. And yet that was exactly the results of their precautions. No matter how much he had tried, things still fell apart.

"Let's go and find him. I need to explain to him that this isn't your fault." XiChen wiped his tears and handed him a cup of water. "Drink this, Didi. It will make you feel better."

"I want to come too. He's my brother." Jiang Cheng said, curtly.

"You were right, Wanyin. I should have listened to your advice. I only hope Brother Wei will forgive me."

They made a stop at the Jingshi.

Both children were warily looking at them when they entered, but as soon as Li XiWang saw Lan Zhan, she ran into his arms.

"Where's father Wei?" She asked, her voice trembling.

"We're going to bring him back." Lan Zhan told her. He sounded far too confident even to his own ears, but he was glad for it. At least it would reassure his child.

"I want to come too." She said, stubbornly.

"Your father would never forgive me for putting you in danger." Lan Zhan smiled sadly. "SiZhui, please stay here with your sister until we get back. We will make sure nothing happens to either Jin Ling or your father."

Li XiWang tugged on his sleeve. The action reminded him too much of Wei Ying, who had a habit of doing that often. It brought tears to his eyes. He knelt down so they were both at eye level.

"What is it, little rabbit?"

"Please come back safely. With my father." She was trying so hard not to cry.

Lan Zhan held her little body closer.

"Do you trust me?"


A few tears were lost at that. Lan Zhan was overwhelmed by her straight forward response.

"Then please believe me when I say that I'm bringing him back." Lan Zhan kissed her forehead and her cheeks. "Look after SiZhui for me?" He whispered into her ear.

She nodded, perfectly seriously.

He nodded at SiZhui too, before they left.


Wei Ying hated travelling on his own by sword, but he had no choice now. Just as they reached the gates of Cloud Recesses, he had an idea.

It was actually a deep seated wish to see his Soul Brother again. The knot in his chest had only gotten bigger, and now it was threatening to choke him.

Wen Ning was already coming towards him before they had even reached his gate.

He took one look at his face and said, "what's wrong?"

Wei Ying threw himself into his arms.

"Fierce corpses. They attacked a village in JinLinTai. We're going to investigate." Wei Ying couldn't look at him, afraid he would start crying.

He just felt so betrayed. Lan Zhan didn't trust him? It was so painful to bear. He had to hear about that problem from his own nephew. Not his husband.

"I will come with you." Wen Ning was saying.

Li Hua was just coming out of their cottage then.

Wei Ying suddenly felt worse. How could he agree to Wen Ning coming, when he had a young family to protect?

"I c-couldn't ask you to, Wen Ning. It's really okay." He protested, looking down.

"You forget, Master Wei, I am from the Dragon Guard. I was born to fight. Do you think I could not protect myself or my son, if the need arose?" She raised a brow.

It reminded him so much of Wen Qing, Wei Ying did burst into tears then.

Wen Ning held him tightly.

"Master Wei, we should trust her. She can beat me."

That surprised him enough to stop his tears.


"I let her win." He whispered.

"I heard that!" Li Hua retorted, wiping the smile from his face.

"We should go." He said.

"Okay, if you're sure." Wei Ying said, uncertainly.

Wen Ning just hastily pulled him away. When he saw Wei Ying looking at Suibian, he stopped him.

"Master Wei, we can travel together. You don't have to go by sword."

Oh, the relief he felt. He hugged Wen Ning again.

"Okay. Thank you, so much."



So I have some sad news. I'm afraid I am not allowed to go on my phone during my work hours now, so unfortunately, there won't be updates during the day.

It's okay though, because the night is young!

I will try to make up for the lag whenever I can in my own time.
And I still have my chocolate, hehe.
Good night everybody!

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