Chapter 39 Accidental

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Lan Zhan had figured out a timetable that allowed Wei Ying and himself to start training his core to handle resentment energy. The sessions were gruelling and tiring but Wei Ying finally felt as if he was actually doing something constructive.

There was also a rather disgusting tonic Lan Zhan had procured that was supposed to help him. He eyed it with disdain and shoved the toxic looking concoction at Jiang Cheng who came to visit him.

"It cannot be that bad!" Jiang Cheng scowled.

"Why do you always look like that around me?" Wei Ying, master of distraction asked.

"Well, Huan and I agreed..." he looked embarrassed, "the thing is, we decided, because I cannot control my temper around you, I am allowed to get angry when I'm with you. But not otherwise."

"Really? Then I dare you to drink this! You owe me!!" Wei Ying shoved it closer.

"Fine!" He grabbed the cup. "This is how you do it." He held his nose and chugged the whole thing down.

His face went green.

Wei Ying could see him fighting to keep it down.

So he beamed, just glad that he wouldn't have to suffer that vile taste today.

Jiang Cheng took a deep breath. And burped, but it came out wrong. Followed by hiccups.

Non stop.

A shot of lightening came out of Zidian and it transformed back into the snake.

Wei Ying watched all this with hyper interest, and greeted her by patting her head and she nuzzled him in greeting.

Jiang Cheng was still hiccuping.

"Welcome back." He told her, smiling. "You know, I like you so much better like this, SniZidian. You're just lovely!"

She wrapped herself around his arm, purring and snuggling closer.

doing? Hic." Jiang Cheng burst out, unable to stop.

"You know, Jiang Cheng, I have a theory about your condition. I think whenever something happens to you, Zidian feels its effects differently. I mean, this is so interesting!" Wei Ying dodged a fist.


XiChen came in just then and his face transformed into a big broad smile when he saw SniZidian. She jumped from Wei Ying to him in seconds.

"Awww, did you miss me?" XiChen asked her, tickling under her chin again, using a cutesy voice.

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes and simultaneously managed to thump Wei Ying. He was rubbing his arm when Lan Zhan entered, who took one look and scowled at Jiang Cheng, because who else could it be?

He went to see Wei Ying's arm first, while Jiang Cheng left, still hiccuping.

Wei Ying looked up at him in adoration, almost the same way XiChen was staring at SniZidian.

"Did you drink your medicine?" He asked, gently, kissing his arm.

Wei Ying was already a puddle, but he caught himself and pointed at the empty cup.

"Mn." Lan Zhan kissed his forehead. "Good boy."

Wei Ying blushed and vowed to definitely drink it the next day...if he successfully managed to create a talisman that made it taste better.


Nighttime came too quickly, but Wei Ying fell asleep waiting for Lan Zhan. He was picked up and put into bed well before the standard nine o'clock of the evenings.

Some time later, he awoke.

Goosebumps crawled over his skin and he wondered what was wrong. He climbed over Lan Zhan, not stopping to admire him as usual, instead his feet took him to Li XiWang's room.

He opened the door. Nothing seemed out of place, but fear pooled in his stomach. Why were all his instincts screaming that something was wrong?

Hui Gai, he thought.

"Pengyou, look in the corner, do you see something?" Hui Gai whispered in his mind. "What shall I do? Destroy or apprehend?"

The second one, Wei Ying thought, with interest. His eyes were sharper now, but even then, he could barely make out a shape.

I am going to go towards my daughter as if I don't know it's there. If it comes after me, that's your chance, he thought.

"Deal." Hui Gai replied.

Wei Ying padded towards his daughter, too many thoughts running through his head. Just how had they evaded the security of Cloud Recesses wards? And then, among all these buildings, known exactly where Li XiWang was?

He kept his eyes on Li XiWang, thanking all that was sacred and all that was not, that his daughter had a friend like Hui Gai.

There was a chuckle next to his ear, and then, bam! There was a noise of a scuffle before an ear piercing scream as Hui Gai caught the intruder.

Lan Zhan raced in wielding Bichen already unsheathed, half dressed and so hot, that Wei Ying had trouble looking away. He lit a light talisman than drove away the darkness, illuminating the five people in the room. Li XiWang woke up crying, terrified, so Wei Ying picked her up first and took her to Lan Zhan.

They stared at the young woman caught by the demon, even as she still struggled to get away. She blinked many times and Wei Ying stepped back, totally creeped out by her tattoos. He held Li XiWang's head tightly against his shoulder so she would not be able to see the terrifying sight.

Footsteps echoed outside the Jingshi and then Jiang Cheng and XiChen burst into the room with SniZidian, who hissed.

"Let me go!" She writhed and twisted trying to force him to let go, but Hui Gai was nothing if not an expert.

His tail swished from side to side, eyes gleaming with red killer lights, and not even the presence of Lan Zhan fazed him.

"How did you get in?" XiChen donned the role of Sect leader effortlessly, while SniZidian hissed at the intruder with renewed fervour, her forked tongue testing the air repeatedly.

"As if I'd tell you!" She spat on the floor.

"I can make you talk." Hui Gai whispered into her ear. His tone was lethal, cold and empty of emotions.

She stilled, but the defiant light was still burning in her eyes.

"My sisters are coming for me. Right now. Your puny defences cannot stop us."

"What do you mean?" Wei Ying asked her, forcing himself to stare straight into her eyes. All four of them.

"It is too late." She laughed, and it was a cruel sound. "They are already here."

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