Chapter 78 Visions

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Wei Ying gasped, both in confusion and because he had no idea why Lan Zhan was looking like that.

"Li XiWang?" He asked, as Lan Zhan helped him sit up.

"Over there." Lan Zhan pointed to where Wei Ying could see his daughter lying across Hui Gai. Two red eyes blinked at him in the darkening light. The demon waved, tentatively.

Hui Gai, please, look after her. I need...I need...

Wei Ying couldn't finish his sentence, instead, his eyes searched for Lan Zhan.

"I am here."

Even in the dark, Wei Ying could see golden eyes still intensely looking at him.

"I need...can you please take me away? From here. Just for a little while?"

Lan Zhan could see the desperation in his silver eyes.

"Come." He took Wei Ying out of the campsite, away into the ever darkening woods.

When they were far enough away, Lan Zhan looked for somewhere they could sit, and saw an old knarled tree root, twisting up from the ground like a natural seat. Wei Ying followed him wherever he was leading, his eyes lost and unseeing. When he sat down, he fully expected Wei Ying to sit next to him, but Wei Ying curled into his chest, sitting in his lap. Strong arms surrounded him, holding him close.

They stayed like that for a while, absorbing the stillness of the night, and feeling their hearts beating side by side. Crickets sang their melodies, the occasional hooting of owls and other nocturnal creatures, giving them a backdrop for their thoughts.

Lan Zhan missed this. More than he would say, more than he was able to say. He had to share his husband so much, and the list was only growing longer, that this precious time was becoming exactly that. Precious and rare. He took in a deep breath of scented lotuses and Wei Ying himself, a scent so beloved and missed. He knew Wei Ying needed this as much as he did, and if Wei Ying wanted to talk, he would do so later.

Right now...was just for them.

Wei Ying held onto the warmth, that once felt, was an aid to dissolving the chill wrapped around his bones. He needed this connection so badly, like a kite in the hands of its master. Too long, he had felt as if he had been drifting on the currents of the winds, no destination in sight, and at the mercy of their whims. The hands that held his form were comforting and familiar, the sandalwood fragrance grounding his mind. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine that they were back inside the Jingshi, safe from all external worries.

Reluctantly, he opened his silver eyes, only to gaze into golden pools.

"Do you think we will ever live quiet lives?"

Lan Zhan snorted out a laugh.

The random question had caught him unawares, and he had to think about it.

"I hope not." His words rested between them, unexpectedly welcome.




" boring."

Wei Ying snuggled closer.

"I suppose you're right."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lan Zhan knew he was putting it off. As if by delaying whatever it was, would give him respite.

"I saw our daughter."


"Grown up. Not like she is now."


"But when...when I asked her if she was Bai Hua, she said yes, and when I asked her if she was Li XiWang, she answered yes."


"You don't sound surprised." Wei Ying reached up to kiss his jaw.

"Am not. I think they are the same."

"The same? How so?"

"What if Bai Hua found a way to split her soul, or her consciousness? She must have known how difficult this would be, and took measures." Lan Zhan kissed his forehead.

"So you're saying, Bai Hua separated her consciousness? Is that even possible?" Wei Ying thought hard about this new theory. "And in what way?" His lips followed the path of the strong jawline to his neck.

"Perhaps she was able to split herself from adulthood and childhood. Imagine what a burden or a shock it would be to have all that information already in her mind?"

"So the Li XiWang we know right now, is the grown up version of Bai Hua?" Wei Ying sat up and kissed the smoky eyelids, hiding intelligent golden eyes. "She said a great injustice has happened and she wants to correct it. And she needs our help to fix it. And we're to follow her signs. Apparently she has planned our path."


"So what should we do?" His lips stopped their exploration of his face, and Lan Zhan tried not to be disappointed.

Wei Ying could feel a return of his own former panic.



"Wei Ying must not worry."

"But Lan Zhan? How can I not?"

"Wei Ying must learn to trust in the universe." Lan Zhan kissed his nose, completely at ease. He looked...a little bit smug.

"Are you serious?"


"So then, may I ask, when did you? Because I'm getting the feeling that you're speaking from personal experience."

Such a look of pain crossed his features, that Wei Ying regretted asking him that. He held Lan Zhan's face with both his palms.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I asked you that. I know, or I can guess what it was. You don't have to answer this."

"But...Wei Ying returned." Lan Zhan swallowed with difficulty. "Universe paid us back. You were innocent. We are together, after so long."

Wei Ying didn't answer.

Instead, he reached up to kiss Lan Zhan's forehead first, followed by his eyes, his cheeks and then finally, his beautiful lips, warm with love.

"I love you so much. And...and I trust you. More than myself."

"Mn. I love Wei Ying."

His silver eyes sparkled with extra moisture then.

"So, my love. If you say we should trust in the universe, then I believe you."


Wei Ying smiled against his lips.


He tried to stand up.

Stronger arms held him down.

"Aren't we going back?" He looked confused.

Lan Zhan thought he was adorable. He leaned in and kissed his nose.

Wei Ying giggled.

"We're alone." Lan Zhan pointed out.

"Yeah, so let's go-" his next words were swallowed up by insistent lips capturing his in a hard kiss.

"Not yet."

Understanding dawned and Wei Ying began to strip.

"Why didn't you say so?" He pounced on an unsuspecting husband with newly found gusto.

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