Chapter 111 Penalty

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Hui Gai was slightly horrified at the mark.

The reel finished and the ends started flapping until he switched off the machine. He looked around, wondering exactly where he was. Obviously it was a place that Jian Ci hid away, never to visit if she could help it.

And now that he was inside, he had to find a way to get out, but not before he found a way to...

There it was. A door was hidden behind the projection screen. When he opened it, he was surprised.

It seemed to be a barren desert, with sharp winds blowing. The moment he set foot inside, hundreds of swords aimed at him came flying out of nowhere. He jumped back and closed the door, his heart pounding painfully in his ears.

What was that? Why the sudden attack?

There must be a clue somewhere...he thought, turning to examine the door itself. There were runes...Hui Gai had never seen them before, but he could read them and it was yet another surprise. It was a spell to keep the door locked, and yet he had managed to open it without issue...or had he?

Maybe...if he did as per the instructions carved into the wood, he might get another result?

His fingers traced the grooves of the characters and a shiver went up his spine. Ancient magic lay here, dormant but powerful.

Did Jian Ci get help from outside to create this trickster jeopardy? How did she learn to trap the place that held.... what?

It was clearly important to her, and something that she did not want others to access, so how should he go about doing this?

Was it as simple as repeating the words he could read? And then it begged the question: how many people could read this?

He murmured the words and even before he had finished, they began to glow a hellish red. The door swung open and now, it was a different scene that greeted him.

This room was green, and not in a nice way. A mist, smoky and strong whirled from one place to another, violently smashing against the walls.

Hui Gai held his hand out to touch and was almost thrown back by its powerful wave. He felt intense hatred and envy, both swirling in a contemptuous tornado of anger. So these were her emotions...

She had abandoned control a long time ago, judging from the state of this place. The walks were covered in green gunk, perhaps from prolonged contact with this strange smoke? Nothing felt...good.

He wanted to leave, feeling the effects of this putrid place, festering in malice and greed. But it needed cleaning up.

He grimaced and held out his hand to burn every last emotion, even reducing the lashing smoky vengeful mist into nothingness. The blackened room didn't sit well with him, so Hui Gai imagined what he would like.

The four walls were transformed into whiter than white walls reflecting light and sunshine. Up above him, the roof broke away to show the bluest skies with tiny puffs of white clouds, and in front of him, a carpet of flowers sprung up that would make his little girl proud. Wildlife came slowly, afraid of this sudden change.

Bumble bees floated haphazardly trying to fill their knees with pollen, dancing among daffodils and sweet pea, honeysuckle and daisies. Dragonflies buzzed with iridescent wings, humming with anticipation. And birds sang.

Hui Gai admired it for a little while, and then closed the door on this natural paradise. But to his surprise, the door crumbled away, and the carpet of flowers began encroaching into the room. The red room turned a soft pink before the white walls took over completely, transforming the entire area.

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