Chapter 116 Together

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Lan Zhan felt the sword, the spiritual weapon of his soulmate, vibrate once, twice with recognition as it understood who exactly was holding it.

Suibian extended its energy to wrap around Lan Zhan, a promise of protection, because this was it, the final connection, between them to seal their bond.

Lan Zhan saw Wei Ying close his eyes and realised he was going through the same transformation, the same jubilant exultation in this...togetherness.

White light exploded, scorching their vision, and had they not closed their eyes by the miracle of self preservation, they would have been blinded by the power.

Lan Zhan had never felt more alive, as electrifying tingles all along his nerves robbed him of all thought. This energy, obliterating everything except Wei Ying, was Wei Ying, wrapping around his heart like an armour against the world. He saw his own light, also a matching white, envelope his beloved to protect him too.

Their energies merged with the spiritual energies of their swords until there was nothing but white light.

"Lan Zhan?"

He heard Wei Ying and wondered if he was speaking, but no...this was more like a thought resonating inside his mind. Too subtle and fragile to award it a name like speech, it was lighter than something that could be grasped by a physical ear.

"Wei Ying?"

His own thought, straight like an arrow, found it's Mark in the answering smile. How did he know Wei Ying was smiling? He felt it.

The light hummed with recognition, the oneness of their souls connected completely filled them with wonder.

As the light faded, leaving them in a glow of comfortable love. Lan Zhan watched as Wei Ying took both swords out of their hands and reverently place them on the table. The he turned so he was straddling him, his silver eyes full of joy and love and adoration. His hands came to hold the face of his beloved, lips meeting again and again.

This was not a song of lust or desire, this was another meeting of souls, the understanding that they existed together and had found each other in this sea of souls, the simple joy of being.

Like appreciating the warmth of sunshine, the soft velvety feel of petals nestled together to make a flower more beautiful, to know that one was not alone, was comfort beyond the ordinary. A necessary rightness.

Wei Ying settled himself, snuggling into his chest. The sweetness was not lost on Lan Zhan, who held him impossibly closer, their hearts beating together.

What was that? Wei Ying wondered.

I don't know. Lan Zhan replied in his head.

Wei Ying's eyes grew big and round, silver and sparkling as he leaned back.

Can you hear me? What I'm thinking?


Wei Ying giggled.

Even your thoughts are like you.

And yours.

I love you more than any words can say.

Mn. I know. Love Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan held his face and kissed him earnestly, conveying whatever he felt better than any words could, preferring this method whenever he felt overwhelmed by his emotions.

Lucky it's only me that you feel this way about...

He could feel Wei Ying smiling against his mouth.

Mn. Only you.

Lan Zhan...are you happy?



Wei Ying wrapped his arms around his neck, hiding his face in the familiar scent of sandalwood that seemed the strongest here, on Lan Zhan's warm skin.

Everything I need is right here. I cannot be more happier.

Wei Ying smiled contentedly. His eyes closed now, lulled by the warmth and safety instinctively surrounding him.

Lan Zhan heard him breathing softly, evenly, and knew he had finally fallen asleep. He stood up and took them to the bed that Wei Ying had missed earlier that day.

Even when he fell asleep later, it was holding the precious man closer to his heart.


Wei Ying opened his eyes, blinking in confusion. He was sprawled like a starfish in the middle of their bed, and his stomach growling.

Did last night really happen?

Yes, it did.

The door opened and a radiant looking Lan Zhan walked in, holding trays of food. He looked so good, Wei Ying rolled over, hiding his face.

Lan Zhan put the trays down and sat next to him on the bed.

"Wei Ying?"


"No?" His voice was full of amusement. "Why?"

Because you look too good...and I...just woke up...there's no comparison!

Agreed. Wei Ying is more beautifuller.

That's not a word.

I just made it one.

You can't do that. It doesn't count.

Who says?

I do.

Wei Ying harrumphed into his pillowed arms.

Wei Ying, my beautiful Wei Ying...won't you look at me?

Wei Ying opened an eye to see if he was laughing at him, but the Jade was happily serious.

He sat up.

Why are you so happy?

Because you are here. With me. I love Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan was looking at him at him so much full of love, he couldn't help himself and threw himself into his arms.

"How long do you think this mind talking is going to last, Lan Zhan?"

"Forever, I hope."

He could feel Lan Zhan's happiness, the positive emotion like a blanket wrapping around him like a soft warm blanket he could cuddle underneath, protecting him from everything else.

"Everything is so much more, isn't it? After last night..."

"Mn. Happy."

Wei Ying kissed his cheek.

"So am I. I if I if there was a part of me missing...and you had it all along."

"Mn. Wei Ying has all of me."

"Yes, exactly!"

They stayed like that for a while, until his stomach interrupted them again. Lan Zhan sat with him at the table and they fed each other again.

I like this the best.

So do I.

Lan Zhan kissed the top of his head.


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