Chapter 25 Notes

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Like the soft pitter patter of spring showers, lightly dusting Mother Nature's lands, each musical note fell upon his consciousness, soothing, healing, refreshing. One after the next, nourishing his tired mind, rejuvenating his thoughts.

He fell into the simple pleasure of listening to WangJi as it filled his heart with joy. With each plucked string resonating inside his heart, he gave in to the feelings of love washing over him. A powerful wave of longing followed, and he opened his eyes finally.

Wei Ying saw the ceiling of the Jingshi, and he slowly turned his head. His whole body ached with a fierceness and he wondered what had happened.

His eyes, thirsty to see the one.

Lan Zhan.

He sat playing his beloved instrument, his fingers caressing the strings, plucked to perfection, and completely lost in the music. He was such a sight to see.

Always in white, his sleeves billowing from the table, his forehead ribbon cascading down among long silky hair, tied simply because it was just the two of them. His forehead smooth, lost in the melody.

The music was a balm, cleansing his mind of worries and leaving it as clear as the surface of a lake on a quiet day.

There was not even a ripple.

Golden eyes looked up, and the notes stuttered.

He stopped playing but neither noticed.

Wei Ying could not look away, but then, he didn't want to. Here, basking in his loving attention, was everything.

Lan Zhan made no move to get up, enjoying the lively glow of molten silver. Could he ask for more?

Those eyes had been closed for so long now, nearing the fourth day. Lan Zhan had played every day while his lover slept, unmoving and immobile. It was such a contrast to the animated man, usually energised and active, that it hurt his soul. He kissed him every morning and every evening, before he played, praying with every note.

Today, he was answered.

His gaze could not help but be intense. Wei Ying was his mate in every way, and the answering intensity was prevailing in what he received. Silver fire burned hot and steady, a gift for them both, conveying love, longing and relief.

He watched a single tear leave the sanctuary of long lashes, gently make its way across the planes of his cheek and rest in the soft pillow.

His feet were already transporting him there, their gazes having not left each other all the while.

"Lan Zhan." He breathed out.

His hand was already lifting itself up to caress a soft cheek, to wipe away the moisture clinging like moss to a wall. His fingers travelled that well known path to the back of his neck, gently pulling him down.

Lan Zhan came easily and their lips met sweetly, a song of togetherness, complete like a circle. No beginning, no ending, just forever.

Their souls danced together, magic present in their moves, the reawakening of love as it healed their wound of separation.

"I missed you."

Words evaporating between them, the speaker not known.

They kissed again, reconnecting.

Lan Zhan lay next to him, pulling him closer. His chin rested on the softest hair, the scent of lotus flowers kissing his nose.

Much missed, much loved.

Wei Ying's mouth found the gap in the robes, and fluttered over jade skin, smooth and soft. His lips stole a path to his collar bone...and lingered, waiting.

This blissful feeling needed no words.

They must have fallen asleep again, because when Wei Ying opened his eyes, darkness had enveloped the room. Moonlight glided in like a dancer ready to share. He shifted, and arms tightened around him.

"Lan Zhan, my love, are you awake?" He whispered against a warm neck.


Now wide awake and rested, Wei Ying shimmied over him, straddling his body. Delighting in the golden glow of his eyes, he wriggled a little, testing the waters.

Long fingers, mighty and strong, held his hips in place, unable to move. So Wei Ying leaned down, his nose just touching the other.


A laugh bubbled out of the startled Jade, surprising them both.

Wei Ying giggled.

"I love you so much, you dear man. My man."

"Mn. Yours. Always and forever."

Wei Ying kissed his lips and then sank down, his head resting upon a steady beating heart.

"One lifetime is not enough." He said, sadly.

"Mn. I believe we will always find each other."


Lan Zhan could feel his robe becoming wet.

"Mn. Really. I would find you, no matter what."

"Me too. Even if I didn't know what I was looking for."

"Are you happy?"

"Yes." Wei Ying said it without thinking, and then realised it was true. He was happy. "Are you?"

"I only need you."

"It's a yes or no question." Wei Ying sat up again, silver eyes twinkling with mischief.


"That's neither." He leaned down once more, but this time his aim was elsewhere.

His pink tongue peeked out before tracing the outer shell of his ear. He felt Lan Zhan's whole body shiver, and he hummed in excitement. Each curve, each groove was thoroughly explored, the skin warming like a cold pot on a fire. When Wei Ying bit his lobe, Lan Zhan lost control.

He grabbed the naughty, giggling man and pressed him into the mattress, to kiss the life out of him.

When they broke free, both out of breath, and dizzy with joy, Wei Ying said, "you haven't answered the question yet."

"Are you happy?" He repeated, his hair curtaining around them, blocking out the rest of the world.

It felt intimate, close. It felt like home.


They stirred with the first rays of the sun. Wei Ying jumped out of bed, surprising Lan Zhan, who lay looking at him. Wei Ying stretched and his wings gently uncurled, stretching with him. Lan Zhan had turned on his side to watch him, one hand propping up his head, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Wei Ying grinned at him. He wondered if he could reach Lan Zhan from there. One wing came forward, shining a multitude of colours, ever-changing. The soft tip, caressed his lover's face, tracing the contours of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

In a flash, Lan Zhan stood up.

Both wings folded around his body and brought him to Wei Ying, like a gift. Their soft but firm texture overlapped, but his hands were free.

Ever so gently, he cupped Lan Zhan's face and kissed him deeply.

Lan Zhan smiled, before tugging his hair. He kissed along the ridge of his throat and biting his Adam's apple.


"Wei Ying is welcome."

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