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Florence was happy to have the two weeks of school. She was happy to be away from the place, but sad for those that had to stay there.

Today was her father's turn at the shop, so she was spending the day with Tillie and Eddie. Daniel was out at his best friends Graham's house, having a sleepover.

Florence told her friends about her encounter with Edgar, but kept her encounter's with Finn quiet. She didn't know why, but his words had upset her. At that moment she didn't want to think about Finn Shelby.

"He's seriously dangerous, like I know we joked about it but it's getting weird now". Eddie said, a look of concern was on his face.

"We need to find you a strong, muscular boyfriend. Someone who will scare him off". Tillie said a wide smile on her face.

Florence rolled her eyes, a small smile spread across her face. "No..I'm okay being by myself thank you". She replied.

"This is the year we are going to find you your first kiss and hopefully boyfriend". Tillie said. Eddie nodded his head in agreement.

Florence smiled and rolled her eyes, not listening to the conversation anymore. Her arm was hooked through Tillie's, her head resting on her shoulder.

"Hold on, I need to tie my laces". Eddie muttered. The girls stopped, waiting for their friend. They were currently on their way towards the canal, to sit in their special place.

"May I ask you a question, my beautiful red-headed friend?" Tillie asked.

Flo smiled and nodded her head, turning to look at her. "Why is Finn Shelby looking at you?" She asked, a smirk on her face.

"What?" Flo asked, frowning slightly.

"Finn Shelby, you know Peaky Blinder boy with the cap. Brother's are well fit". Eddie said.

"I know who he is". She snapped. Flo turned her head to where her friends were looking.

He was leaning on the wall outside the Garrison, a cigarette hanging loosely from his mouth as he looked at her. Like usual, his expression was unreadable.

"Who's his friend? He's bloody gorgeous". Tillie gasped, her eyes going wide.

"Isiah Jesus". Eddie whispered, a smile on his face.

"Right you've had a good stare, can we keep moving please?" Flo asked. Flo shook her head, her eyes going wide. "Why are you both smiling like that? This means you've both telepathically thought of a plan, which might I add, that plan will go completely wrong". She cried.

"I fancy a drink don't you Ed?" Tillie asked, a smirk on her face.

Eddie smiled and nodded his head. "I do Till, what about you Flo?" He asked.

"I'm fine. How about we get down the canal?". She cried. Tillie rolled her eyes and grabbed her friend's hand, dragging her towards the Garrison.

"Hi". Tillie said softly as she looked up at Isiah, her eyes soft. He turned to look at her, a frown on his face. "I'm sorry, could I get past? Your in the way of the door". She asked, her voice soft.

Isiah frowned even more, then realised he was in the way. "Oh yeah...sorry". He muttered, stepping out of the way.

"Thanks". Tillie pured.

Flo rolled her eyes at her friend, and turned her head, her eyes locking with Finn's again. She let out a gasp as Tillie "fake tripped", pushing Flo into Finn.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now