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Florence remembered Christmas well as a kid, the enjoyment of waking up in the morning. Opening the presents, going to church and then having an amazing meal afterwards. This Christmas wasn't going to be like that.

It didn't feel like Christmas at all.

Florence sat with Daniel in front of the fire, a book on her lap as she read it to him. The house was all decorated, it was mostly Frances' doing, as she wanted the house nice for the kids.

"Do you miss dad?" Daniel asked, his eyes on the fire.

Florence looked at him, a small frown on her face. "I....at times I do...I miss old dad, the one who made us breakfast every morning. When he used to swing us around and let us stay up late. I miss when we had the shop and when we were happy". She answered. Florence moved his hair away from his face. "Do you miss him?" She asked.

Daniel looked up at her, his eyes were soft. "I miss him...but I'm happy he's gone. He hurt you and for that, I don't like him or miss him". He answered.

Florence smiled sadly as she placed a kiss on his forehead. "I love you". She whispered.

"I love you too". He whispered back, his arms wrapping around her as he held on close to her.

Florence rubbed his back gently, she continued to read the book to him. Every now and then, Daniel would stop her asking what a word meant. After she explained, she would go back to the book.

By the time they finished their chapter, Daniel sat up, his eyes on the tree. "I want to give you a present early". He said. Florence watched as he got up, looking at the presents under the tree. He grabbed one of them, and sat down beside her again. A small smile on his face.

Florence opened the present, a wide smile forming on her face. There was a small box. Florence opened it and her smile never left her face. "Oh, it's beautiful Daniel". She whispered as she pulled the locket out. She opened it and turned to look at it. Inside was a picture of herself and Daniel.

"Finn and Isiah helped me pick it out and they helped me get the picture in there". He said, a wide smile on his face.

"Finn helped you? When?" She asked.

"A few days ago, he said the colour of the gems would match your eyes". He answered.

Florence looked down at the locket, a small frown on her face. It had been two weeks since she last saw Finn, since she walked out of the Garrison.

"He said that I didn't have to pay him back too, all he asked in return was to look after you. I like Finn, he's nice". Daniel muttered.

Florence nodded as she gently ran her fingers through his hair. "Right, let's get you in your bath and ready for bed". She said. Daniel nodded, quickly standing up. He watched as Florence put her locket on, a small smile on her face.

"I suppose you want one of your presents early?" She asked.

Daniel shook his head, a smile on his face. "I'm okay, I want to wait. You've been looking sad lately so I wanted to make you happy". He answered.

Florence smiled softly at Daniel, her hand gently rubbing his cheek. "Thank you, Daniel". She whispered.

Florence brought Daniel upstairs, and ran his bath, her hand checking the temperature to ensure it was okay. "Your pyjamas are here, so when your done let me know and I'll tuck up into bed". She said.

Florence walked down the stairs, her hands raising to pull her hair up. She stopped on the last step as the door opened. Her eyes found Isiah's first as he walked in, and then the rest of the boys followed. Finally, Finn walked in. His eyes met her own, until they fell to the locket around her neck.

"Hey carrot top, you know where Tommy is?" Isiah asked.

"Yeah, he's in his office". She answered, her head turning to look at Isiah. She gave them all a small smile, before heading into the sitting room.

Florence grabbed the blanket that they used, slowly folding it up. She grabbed the book and placed it back on the bookshelf, the bookmark in place for the next time they were going to read it. Florence turned around, her eyes finding Finn's as he stood in the doorway.

"Hi". He said.

"Hello". She said softly, her hands clasped together.

Finn continued to look at her his eyes soft. "Tommy wants a meeting, so it might be a late one. I'll tell the guys to be quiet when there leaving so they don't wake Daniel or yourself up". He muttered.

Florence nodded. "Thank you". She whispered.

Finn went to talk but decided against it as he turned around to leave. "Goodnight Florence". He said softly.

"Goodnight Finn". She whispered.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now