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It had been two days since the incident with Finn, and Florence hadn't touched the cocaine since. She didn't see Finn around too, or any of the other Shelby's for that matter. She saw Tillie and Eddie, but they never saw her as she made sure to not be seen.

With her father still gone, Florence found herself enjoying life again. The night before, she baked with Daniel, the two of them danced around the kitchen. It was like how it was before, all they needed was their father to walk in from work, a wide smile on his face. But that wouldn't happen, never again.

Florence woke Daniel up, a soft smile on her face. "Breakfast is ready". She whispered. Daniel smiled widely up at her, sitting up straight.

She left him to get dressed in peace, as she served his breakfast up for him. He came running down the stairs, dressed in his uniform. He sat down, digging into his food. They both had a laugh, Florence was listening to one of Daniel's stories.

Once his shoes and coat were on, they set off for his school. Florence would be honest with anyone when she said she didn't miss going to school. Daniel's bag was thrown over her shoulder, her free hand holding his little hand.

"Can we have some ice cream after school?" Daniel asked, a wide smile on his face. Florence looked down at him, a smile on her own face. "Hmmmmm let me think about it". She muttered. Daniel let out a little giggle as she began to tickle his sides. "Of course". She answered.

They stopped outside Daniels school. Florence knelt down, and kissed her brother's forehead. "You have the best day today okay? And I'll see you later". She whispered. Florence handed Daniel his bag, and waved him off. Her smile was soft.

Florence decided to go for a walk. The weather was actually nice, and it would be a shame to stay indoors.

Florence found herself on Garrison Lane, smiling at the memories of her running up the cobblestone streets with Eddie and Tillie. She wrapped her arms around herself, her eyes on the floor.

"Flo". Someone shouted.

Flo turned around and let out a groan. "Edgar". She muttered.

He smiled widely at her and stood beside her. "How are you? I haven't seen you for a while. I thought we were going out for your birthday, but I couldn't find you anywhere. Have you lost weight, you look good". He said.

Flo scoffed and started to walk away. "Hey wait up". He shouted.

Flo shook her head and walked faster, letting out a gasp as he grabbed her arm. "Why are you walking away from me?" He asked.

"Because". She spat as she pulled her arm out of his grasp. "I really don't want to talk to you".

Isiah stepped out of the Garrison, a smile on his face. His arm was wrapped around Tillie. Eddie walked out with him, letting out a small laugh. Finn rolled his eyes at the latter, shaking his head at how drunk he had got. The Shelby's arrived back yesterday and spent the whole night drinking, only leaving the Garrison now.

"Look Florence, your acting stupid. Is it because of that male friend of yours? I don't know how many times I have to make myself clear, but your mine". Edgar yelled.

Finn looked up to see Edgar and Flo standing a few feet from them.

"Stupid? I don't know how many times I have you tell you, I don't like you. Not like that. Just please leave me alone. There's plenty of other girls who like you, I'm sure you can pick one of them". She said softly.

"But they're nothing like you. Please give me one chance Flo, please". He whined as he grabbed her face. He tried kissing her, but let out a cry as she stomped down on his foot.

"Ed where are you going?" Tillie asked as she watched her best friend march up to Edgar and Flo.

"Edgar leave her alone". He snapped.

"Oh look who it is. My dear brother, and his little slaggy friend". Edgar shouted as Tillie joined them.

Isiah saw red at those words as he stepped forwards. "What the hell did you just call her?"

Edgar let out a laugh as he shook his head. "Really brother? Your friends with these....with these gypsy Peaky scum".

Flo gasped as a fist connected with Edgar's jaw. She turned her head to see a fuming Finn, his cap discarded.

"Cut him, Finn". Isiah shouted.

Eddie held Tillie in his arms as he glared at his brother.

Edgar let out a laugh as he looked up at them. He stood up, shaking his head. "So....your older brothers are the kings of Gypsies, what does that make you? The jester?" He snapped.

Flo stood in between Finn and Edgar as they went for each other. Her hands were on Finn's chest as she pushed him away. "Don't Finn". She whispered. Finn turned his head to look at her, his eyes going soft. He really did see a different girl from the other day.

"Flo baby. Don't hold the boy back, let me show him what happens when he doesn't have his big bad brothers around. Let me see what he's made off". Edgar said, his arm snaking around her waist.

"SHUT UP". Flo screamed as she turned to look at him. She sent him a glare as she pushed him away.

"Flo. I'm going to ask you one more time. Fuck these losers. Come out with me. I'll show you a good time. Give you a much better life than anyone else. Even if it is these scums".

Flo saw red, her hand going across Edgar's cheek.

"Don't you dare speak about them like that. The only scum I see around here is you. Now leave me alone". She snapped.

"Is it you....are you the one that's been beating her?" Eddie shouted as he swung at his brother.

She stormed away, tears in her eyes as she did so. All she wanted was a hot bath and her bed.

Flo opened the door to her house and stepped inside.  When she turned around she froze in her place.

He was back. Her father was back early.

Florence Boswell hated her life.

"Hello, Florence". Her father muttered as he stood up. His head shook as he walked over to her, his belt in his hands. "Haven't you been a bad, bad girl"? He whispered.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now