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Tillie placed the two bottles on the table, and the two glasses. "After all of that, you really need this". She said softly.

Florence watched as she opened the bottle, the whisky filling the glass.

Tillie raised her eyebrow as she watched Florence drink the whole thing, her hand grabbing the bottle to pour herself another glass.

"What happened then?" Tillie asked as she took a sip of her wine.

Tillie listened to everything that Florence said, her hand over her mouth. When Florence the two girls were quiet. They both sat there looking at their drinks, unsure of what to say.

"He's dying?" Tillie asked, her hand grabbing her drink.

"Yeah". Florence answered, grabbing her own drink. They both took a sip, going quiet again.

"He told you he's in love with you?" Tillie asked.

Florence nodded her head, her eyes finding Tillie's. Tillie rubbed her face, her eyes wide. "I...I don't know what to say...I mean...I can't believe it. Edgar...I know he's been a bit of a shit the past years....but I..He's dying". She whispered.

The two girls sat in silence again. The pub started to get packed, and the men where all loud and happy. In the corner sat the girls in silence.

Tillie looked at Florence, her eyes soft as she looked at the sad girl in front of her. "Hey". Tillie whispered as she grabbed her hand. Florence looked up at her, a sad smile on her face.

"It's not your fault at all, I hope you know that...And for Finn, well I don't know what I can say about that. But he is acting like an idiot and you don't deserve to be treated that way. Something must be going on in his mind for him to be reacting this way. I think and you may not like it, but talk to him. Tell him the truth about Edgar, he may come to his senses. And tell him about Bonnie, your childhood friends, your mothers were best friends. He will, one day wake up and realise this". She said.

Florence nodded her head. She knew she needed to speak to Finn, they had to talk. She just wondered if he was going to listen.

"Let's go to the shop like planned, have a nice little sit down by the canal, stuff our faces with enough chocolate and make our way back up here. Isiah mentioned they would be done by six, so there coming here after. Do it then, don't leave it too long. It's clear you both love each other, maybe this is what you need". Tillie advised.

Florence nodded, her eyes on the ground as she walked. She didn't understand how to feel. Edgar was dying and he didn't have long left, which meant that Eddie was going to lose his brother. The same brother that professed his love to her. Edgar was always in her life, and although he had annoyed her she didn't want him to die.

Florence and Tillie sat in their special spot, the two girls huddled up together. As Tillie talked about Isiah, and her family, Flo looked out at the water and the way that the rain made little splashes. She still listened to what Tillie had to say, but at the back of her mind, all she could think about was what she was going to say to Finn.

"Are you okay?" Tillie asked after a while.

Flo turned to look at her, a small smile on her face as she nodded. She had her arms wrapped under her knees, her legs close to her chest. Tillie let out a small sigh as she looked at her best friend, worry in her eyes.

"How have you been sleeping?" She asked.

Flo hummed slightly, her shoulders shrugging slightly. "Okay I guess...Sometimes I hear things, but then realise it's just Tommy. Sometimes I just lay there, wide awake until the sun rises". Florence answered.

Tillie smiled sadly at her friend. A hand was placed on Flo's back, as Tillie gently rubbed it.

"I went past your old house the other day...it still looks the same". Tillie whispered, a small frown on her face. Florence turned to look at her, with no expression in her eyes. It changed when she saw Tillie's face scrunch up. "I'm so sorry Florence". She cried.

Tillie put her head into her hands as she cried, her whole body shaking. Flo moved closer, wrapping an arm around her best friend. "For what?" Florence whispered.

"For being such a shit friend. For not being strong for you and....and realising what was happening to you. I should have been there for you, I should have stopped you from going on drugs and drinking, I should have realised what your father was doing to you". She answered.

Florence shut her eyes for a moment, her head shaking. "Don't say that...you are not a shit friend....your the best type of friend anyone could ever have. It was me, I pushed you all away in fear and I'm sorry". Flo said.

Tillie shook her head, her eyes on Flo. "Never apologise to me Florence. Never, ever apologise to me. You are so strong and so amazing, and you went through that by yourself. You survived and you will live to do so many wonderful things, and I want to watch you do all those things". Tillie exclaimed.

Florence pulled Tillie in for a hug, her eyes shutting. As they held onto each other, a tiny part of Flo's heart glued itself back together again.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now