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Florence let out a laugh as Tillie pulled one of her plaits. "Owww be careful". Florence cried, another laugh escaping her lips.

"Oh, how I wish I had wonderful locks like yours Flo". Tillie said.

Florence smiled at her, her eyes rolling. "It's me that wishes to have hair like your own". She muttered.

The two girls hooked arms as they walked down the street, smiles on their faces. "So how have you been?" Tillie asked.

Florence took a deep breath, a sad smile spread across her face. "I'm okay. There are times at night when I get sad and I'll cry, but there are days when I'm somewhat happy". Florence answered.

Tillie nodded, a sad smile spreading across her own face. "How are you feeling about Finn?" She asked.

"I....". Florence stopped for a moment, a small frown spreading across her face. "I don't know. I miss him, I miss him so much. And he won't talk to me, he doesn't want to know me anymore. I just wish he could see that me and Bonnie, we are just friends. Our mothers knew each other. We used to move around with them before we finally settled. He...I fear he doesn't love me anymore, that maybe he never did". She finally answered.

Tillie stopped when she looked at her friend. "Oh, Florence...he does love you. Anyone can see that he does. I'm not sticking up for him here, but I think he is just really misunderstood. His family was taken away and then they were brought back and he may have thought things would have been the same. He's the youngest and all he's ever known or had was his brothers and aunt. And then you came into his life, and you changed it for the better. I feel, that he needs to get his head in the game and see that he just misunderstood you both. In time, things will be back to how they are. Isiah has said it himself, that you two are destined for each other. That you were made for each other". She said softly.

Florence smiled sadly, her head nodding. "I just want the old Finn back. I wish I could help him". She whispered.

"And you can..in time you can". Tillie said, a smile on her face.

Florence nodded, wiping a tear away from her face.

"Now don't get emotional, how about we get a nice drink?" Tillie asked.

Florence rolled her eyes as she nodded her head. The two girls stepped into the Garrison. They made their way to the bar.

"A white wine and whisky please". Tillie said, a wide smile on her face.

"Thank you". Florence said softly as she grabbed her drink.

"It's quite packed isn't it". Tillie said as they found a table.

"It always is". Florence replied. She sat down, smoothing out her dress.

"How's Isiah?" Florence asked, taking a small sip of her drink.

Tillie's smile got wider, her eyes were bright. "He's amazing. Really amazing. When I'm with him, I feel so alive. He just makes me feel so different, but in a good way". She replied.

Florence smiled widely. "Good that's what you need". She whispered.

Tillie looked at her friend as she looked around the pub, a vacant look was on her face.

"You and Finn, do you think you'll ever get back together?" Tillie asked.

Florence smiled sadly at her friend's words, her head shaking slightly. "I'm not so sure, he confuses me sometimes. I think he might just need his space for a while". Florence answered.

Tillie nodded, deciding not to mention Finn for the rest of the night.

As the night went on the two girls drank more, and talked. Florence's face was red, her laugh getting louder as she shook her head.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now