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Florence sat in the sitting room, her eyes on the roaring fire. She didn't know where Polly or Michael was, and if she was honest she didn't really mind. They weren't in the house that often, they were always working.

The door opened abruptly, causing Florence to stand. "Hello, Arthur". Florence softly muttered, a small smile on her face.

Arthur looked dishevelled, like he hadn't slept. He pulled his cap off, his hands clutching it tightly. "Michael and Polly aren't here at the moment". She said.

Arthur nodded his head, a small frown etched on his face. "I know". He muttered. He cleared his throat, looking around the room. Anywhere that wasn't Florence.

"Would you like me to call for some tea?" Florence asked, her eyebrow raised slightly.

"No...no". Arthur answered. His answer was like a whisper, like a soft hum to Florence's ears.

"Please Arthur.....will you sit by the fire with me and have some tea?" She pleaded.

Arthur looked at Florence, his sad eyes going soft. His mouth parted for a moment, before shutting. Arthur nodded his head, his feet moving slowly towards the two armchairs beside the fire.

Florence called for tea, and sat down, her eyes on Arthur. "Lovely weather we're having". She joked, a sad smile on her pale face. Arthur snorted as he raked his fingers through his hair, his head nodding.

The weather was not lovely, instead, there was a near thunderstorm brewing outside.

Florence opened her mouth to speak, but shut it as the maid walked in with the tea trolley. "Would you like anything else?" She asked, her eyes drifting from Florence to Arthur.

"No thank you, Molly". Florence answered. She poured Arthur and herself a tea, her hands shaking as she passed him the mug.

"Thank you". He muttered as his coarse hands grabbed the mug, his eyes on the fire.

Florence took a sip of her tea, before taking a deep breath. "I would like to apologise for my actions the other day, I....I should not have come in screaming at you like that. I deeply apologise for my actions...I....I don't blame you at all". She whispered.

"No..don't say that". Arthur muttered, his eyes clenching shut.

Florence grabbed his hand, her eyes soft. "Arthur I mean it, you had nothing to do with it". She whispered.

"I did though". He shouted as he stood up, his hand ripping away from her own. Florence shrunk back in her chair, scared of his outburst.

"It is my fault. If I acted sooner, If I.....if I did something she would still be here. Daniel and you....you'd still have a fucking mother. You wouldn't have gone through all that pain and torture. It is my fault, it is...it is". He shouted as he held his head.

Florence knew he was crying. His shoulders were shaking, his body slum. Florence stood up, walking over to Arthur. She stood in front of him, grabbing his arms softly.

"Arthur look at me". She whispered.

"I can't". He cried, his head shaking.

"Please Arthur". Florence whispered, her voice gentle and caring.

Arthur moved his hands from his face, his eyes finally meeting Florence's. She smiled sadly at him as she placed her hands on his face, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"It's not your fault. You had nothing to do with my mother's death...it was all him. Please....don't blame yourself". She said.

Arthur wrapped his arms around Florence, his arms wrapped around her so tightly, like he didn't want to let her go. "I really did love her". He whispered.

Florence's head was resting on his chest, her head nodding. "I know". She whispered back.

They stood together in each other's arms for a long time, until they both moved away. Florence led Arthur back to his seat, their tea now cold.

"What was she like?" Florence asked.

Arthur turned his head to look at her, his eyes searching her face. "She....she was magnetic. So full of life, so beautiful, so caring. Your just like her you know, I can see a lot of your mother in you. The same caring nature, the loving personality. She would be so proud of you". He answered.

Florence smiled softly, her eyes landing on her hands. "Thank you Arthur". She whispered.

Arthur nodded his head, his eyes turning to look at the clock. "I....I better be off, but....I....thank you Florence, thank you for giving me a chance". He said.

Florence nodded her head, a small smile on her face. "Thank you for coming Arthur, and...I hope you're okay and if you need me, well you know where to find me". She responded.

Arthur grabbed her hand, his eyes soft. "You too love, you too". He whispered.

Florence sat back in her seat, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she shut her eyes. A small smile spread across her face.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now