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Flo sat down, her left leg crossed over her right. Her hands were clasped as she waited for Finn to come back, her foot shaking.

Her eyes shot you towards the door as it opened, Finn walking in with a bottle of whisky and two glasses. Flo jumped slightly as he slammed the bottle and two glasses on the table, pouring two whisky's.

He slid one over to Flo and knocked his own drink back. Flo watched as he poured himself a second drink, eventually sitting down beside her. His jaw was twitching as he looked at the door.

Flo picked up her drink and took a small sip, her face scrunching up slightly at the taste. Flo didn't know what to say, she didn't want to offend or piss Finn off even more.

"What happened back there?" She asked eventually, her eyes soft.

Finn turned to look at her, his eyes harsh. "Thomas happened". He answered, knocking back his drink.

Flo took another sip of her drink, sitting in an awkward position.

"Finn....did something bad happen?" She asked.

Finn turned his head to look at her again as he let out a scoff. "What do you think? Arthur and John have been arrested, Polly and Michael too. So yes, something bad has happened". He answered.

Flo jumped and held her head as Finn threw his glass across the room. The shattering of the glass made Flo's blood turn cold.

Finn let out a sigh and rested his elbows on the table, his hands supporting his head as he held it.
Flo moved her hands from her head and looked at him sympathetically.

Her hand slowly reached over, gently being placed on his back. Finn tensed up at her touch, his jaw twitching.

"I'm sorry". She whispered.

Finn smiled sadly and nodded his head, turning his head to look at her. "Yeah....me too". He whispered back.

Flo smiled sadly at him, and pushed her drink towards him. "It's a bit strong for me". She said, causing him to smile slightly.

Finn sighed and sat up straight, grabbing the glass. "To shitty family's eh?" He asked as he knocked it back.

Flo smiled sadly and looked down at her hands. "Your families, not shitty Finn, something must have happened that Tommy wasn't able to control. He'll get them out, you know he will". She replied.

Finn rested his head on the back of the sofa, a sigh escaping his lips. His head turned to look at Flo, his eyes scanning her face. "Yeah....maybe". He whispered.

Flo smiled slightly and looked away, her eyes on the wall where Finn's glass had just been smashed. The door opened to reveal Isiah, Tillie and Eddie walking in.

"Flo". Tillie chimed as she rushed to her best friend. She engulfed her in for a hug, holding her tightly.

Isiah sat in beside Finn, his arms wrapping around him. "You okay?" He asked quietly. Finn nodded his head, his eyes on Flo as Tillie and Eddie talked to Flo. She turned her head to look at him for a moment, a small smile on her face. 

Flo looked down at the table, unsure of what she should say or do. Her heart went out for Finn and his family, but it wasn't her place to say anything.

"Lee's been asking about your dad. He knows something is up". Tillie said, a small frown on her face.

Flo let out a sigh, empty playing with a bit of fabric that was coming loose on her skirt.

"I told him that he left you, but he said that doesn't sound like him. He'd kick you out and have the house instead of just running away and that he would have said something if he was leaving. He thinks...he thinks that you hired one of the Shelby's to kill him, Flo". She whispered.

Flo turned her head to look at her for a moment, her mouth slightly open. She stood up, her eyes filling with tears.

"Flo I'm sorry if I upset you. Everyone will believe you". Tillie said as she stood up.

"It wasn't you. I...I just need some time to think". Flo whispered as she stepped out of the private room and the pub.

Flo's hands raked through her hair as she clenched her eyes shut. This wasn't right, it couldn't be right. Everyone was going to find out that she killed her father, and she was going to hang for it. Her heart and mind went straight to Daniel, scared that her brother would forever be alone.

Even though the Shelby family told her that her father's death was an accident, she knew the truth. Florence still had the flashbacks, the blood, her fathers dead body. She knew she killed him.

Flo found herself at the canal, her eyes red from all the crying she had done. It had started to rain, but she didn't care. How could she? She killed her father, and the woman who had taken her into her house and showed her some parental love was taken away.

Flo sat down under the tunnel and looked at the rain as it hit the water, making a ripple effect. She could hear footsteps behind her, but she didn't turn to see who it was.

"I thought I'd find you here".

Flo looked up, her eyes lost for words. She gave Tommy a sad smile before looking back at the water. He let out a small sigh as he sat beside her, his hands rubbing his thighs.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Florence, it was never meant to be that way". He said after a while.

Flo turned her head to look at him, her arms wrapped around herself. "It's Flo, not Florence". She whispered.

Tommy smiled softly and nodded his head. "Flo it is then, and you can call me Tommy, I hate being called Thomas". He muttered as he sparked up a cigarette.

Flo smiled and nodded her head, resting it upon her knees. Tommy turned to look at the young girl, his eyes were soft.

"You okay? He asked.

Flo smiled and nodded. "It should be me asking you that Tommy". She answered.

Tommy smiled and looked out at the water, his head shaking. "The question is, is anybody okay?'" He muttered.

Flo nodded her head and turned her head to look at him once more. "Tommy". She whispered.

He nodded and looked at her, his eyes showed her he was waiting for her to speak.

"What happened? Why we're your family arrested?" She asked.

Tommy sighed and took a drag from his cigarettes, the smell making Flo's nose turn up slightly. "There are certain things in this world Flo, that you shouldn't know. What happened today was one of those things. Your too innocent for my family, once your get sucked in you will never escape. There are bad people out there Flo, and then there's evil people. They wouldn't hesitate putting a bullet in between your eyes or Daniels". He responded.

Flo looked at him, her eyes soft. "Are you and your family bad people Tommy?" She asked.

Tommy shut his eyes for a moment, a small ghost smile on his lips. "We are Flo, that's another reason for you to stay away". He answered.

Flo smiled sadly and looked out at the water. "My father told me you where bad people, that's one of the reasons I tried to get away from any of you when i was stopped in the street. I guess it was just worry that my father would see and hurt me even more. When ever i was near any of you, I felt this pull....this pull that i knew I would be welcome if i was apart of your family". She said. She turned to look at him, her smile small but soft.

"I don't think you and your family are bad people. We do certain things in our lives to survive. I'd do anything to survive for myself and Daniel". She whispered.

Tommy who's eyes never left her softened. He sighed and wrapped a arm around Flo. "Your free from him now". He whispered.

"Maybe. In real life he's gone, but not in the mind. He will always be there". She responded.

They sat there for hours, under that bridge. There was no talk, just silence as they both fed of each other's company.

The day after would of gone well, if it wasn't for Finn going to look for the young girl in attempts to comfort her. He walked away in anger as he watched Tommy hold Flo in his arms.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now