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Three months had passed, and Florence was finding life to get better. She decided not to continue with her education, deciding that her main focus would now be Daniel. It was Finn who told her first that Tommy had recovered and he was back home. When he asked her to join him on vistining his brother, she agreed.

Florence was there first, a look of curiosity on her face as she walked up the path towards Tommy's front door. She knocked on the door, her eyes soft. An elderly lady opened the door, her eyebrow raised. "Hello?" She asked.

"Hi...I'm Florence. Is...Tommy home?" She answered, a small smile on her face. Francis looked Florence over for a moment, her head nodding.

"He has a guest in the drawing-room right now, your more than welcome to join him whilst you wait for Mr Shelby". Francis answered.

Florence smiled and nodded her head, following Francis towards the drawing-room. She opened the door and stepped aside. Florence stepped into the room, her eyes on a man's back. He turned around, his eyebrow raised.

Francis shut the door, leaving Florence with the stranger. He looked her up and down, before finding her eyes again. "Your not Tommy". He muttered.

Florence shook her head, her eyes soft. "No....No I'm Florence". She said softly. She walked towards him, her hand out for him to shake. He looked down at her hand for a moment, before grabbing it. "Alfie Solomons". He muttered.

Florence smiled up at Alfie. "I was told to give you some company until Mr Shelby is here". She said, her feet shuffling.

Alfie nodded his head, taking in the young girl. "So how do you know the Shelby's?" He asked.

"Oh...well it's a long story really. They've taken me and my brother in...since we've become orphans. How do you know them?" She responded.

"Me and Tommy go way back...best of friends we are". He answered.

Florence smiled up at him, her eyes wandering around his face. "I have cancer". He said softly.

Florence frowned, her hand grabbing his. "I'm sorry Mr Solomons". She whispered.

"Don't be. I've lived a good life and I'm not leaving anytime soon. You know...I can see why they like you". He muttered.

The door opened and they both turned their heads to see Tommy walk in. Florence watched as he walked over to the drinks table and poured himself a drink.

"Good morning Mr Solomons". Tommy muttered.

"Yeah, it is". Alfie said.

Florence remained where she was standing, not fully sure if she should move or not. Her eyes were drifting between Tommy and Alfie.

"Nice little place you got here Thomas. What is it? A foreclosure of a gambling debt from some poor young lord who you pumped full of opium in one of your casinos? Or is that just tittle-tattle?". Alfie asked.

He turned around to look at Tommy, his eyes landing on Florence for a moment. He took in her body language and he could sense she was confused and scared.

"Drink?" Tommy asked.

"Nah, I don't touch it, mate". He answered as he walked over.

"Your housekeeper said you're not allowed to drink. Eh? She said, you are suffering from so many ancient injuries from your sporting life that your head is like some sort of smashed vase that's been stuck back together by a horse. Now the word in London is that you can be found wandering the streets of Birmingham, stark naked, throwing away money. You talk to dead people. Also, that you believe that you are powerful enough to summon up Jews of a very particular standing up to the gentile wilderness wherein you live for them to do your fucking bidding, mate". Alfie said as he sat down beside Tommy.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now