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Silence filled the room, the smell of strong whisky and cigarette smoke filled Flo's nostrils. Her hand shook as she grabbed the drink that was in front of her, bringing it to her lips.

"One more time. He said what?" Arthur asked. He was sitting across from Flo, leaning in his seat.

"He said a message for Thomas Shelby". Flo answered. She tipped the whisky into her mouth, swallowing the contents.

Arthur and Tommy both looked at each other, their faces sharing the same expression.

Isiah and Finn stood in the corner, their arms crossed.

Flo looked down at her hands, to see they were still stained with Eddie's blood. Her eyes shut as she thought about the events that had happened an hour ago.

"HELP". Flo screamed, as she held a dying Eddie in her arms.

Flo looked down at him, her hands trying to hold pressure on his wound. "Eddie keep your eyes open please". She pleaded.

Eddie shut his eyes slowly, before opening them once more. "It hurts". He choked out, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"It's going to be okay Ed, I promise". She whispered, her head shooting up.

"Someone please help". Florence screamed, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She had to be strong for Eddie, she had to help him.

Florence didn't understand why nobody was helping, they heard the gunshot there should be someone out there. She thought of the time when they had a small lockdown, when Tommy had shot Billy Kimber and everyone was staying in their homes. Perhaps, they were too frightened to come out, worried it was something to do with the Peaky Blinders.

Flo raised one hand, blocking the blinding lights of a car that had pulled up. Her body ran cold once more, what if he was back, finishing off the job?

"Florence?" Someone shouted as they rushed forward.

Flo let her hand drop, as she watched Finn rush towards her. His eyes landed on Eddie. Isiah wasn't far behind him, coming to a halt as he saw the sight in front of him.

Flo looked down at Eddie, her tears finally falling as he looked up at her. His mouth was slightly open, his glazed eyes open. His breathing had stopped, his body now limb.

"No..no Eddie wake up. Please wake up". Flo cried, her hands shaking his body. When he didn't move or respond she started to cry even more. "I need you Eddie...I need you".

"Eddie wake up".

Finn stepped forward, standing behind Flo. "Come on". He whispered, his hands wrapping around her waist as he pulled her up.

"No...no I can't leave him". Flo cried.

Finn pulled her away from the scene, his arms wrapping around her as he blocked her from turning around. His jaw was tight as he looked down at the lifeless body of Eddie. His eyes caught Isiah as they both nodded at each other.

"Florence?" Tommy asked as he sat in front of her. His hands landed on her knees, causing her to look up at him.

"I'm so sorry". He whispered.

Flo smiled sadly, her jaw twitching. "Why...why Eddie?" She asked.

"Changretta knows every single person that is close to my family. I..I believe he wanted to scare us, by going after someone who was not immediate family". Tommy answered.

Florence shut her eyes, her chest rising. "Does that mean he will try and get me?" She asked.

Tommy's head dropped for a moment, a small sigh escaping his lips. "Yes. It does, but he won't be anywhere near you. I promise you that. You will be protected. From now on, you carry a gun with you and you don't go anywhere without someone with you". Tommy replied.

Flo opened her eyes, filling once again with tears. "Where is he? Where is Eddie?" Flo asked.

"The police took his body away. His family have been informed, I think we should get you back home. We have no idea if any of his men are watching his house". Tommy answered.

Flo nodded, her eyes landing on her hands once more. Minutes before they were talking about childhood memories, the next he had died in her arms.

If Florence could turn back time, she would have offered for them to have a drink in the Garrison, where they may have been more safe.

"Finn..can you drive her home please?" Tommy asked as he turned to look at his youngest sibling.

Finn turned to look at his brother, his head nodding. He watched as Flo stood up, her face quivering slightly. "Come on". He whispered, his hand out for her to grab.

Flo looked at it for a moment, her chest slightly rising. Her small hand reached out, grabbing his cold hand. They walked out of the Garrison, where Florence stopped. Looking down at the ground.

"I...". She stopped talking, as the words she wanted to say wouldn't form.

Finn looked down at her, his jaw twitching for a slight second. "Let's get you home, we can talk then". He said softly.

Florence looked up at him, tears filling her eyes. She nodded her head, whispering, "Okay". Her grip was tight, as they walked to the car.

Finn stopped as he opened the door, finally letting go of her hand. He waited until she was in the car, before slowly shutting the door behind him.

Finn let out a small sigh as he made his around the car, his eyes shut for a moment. Losing John was hard. He had always looked up to his older brother when he was younger, copying his actions as he just wanted to be like him. He hadn't time to grieve for his brother, as there was a war going on.

Seeing someone he was close to die, brought back those memories for him. How he hadn't been there with his brother when he had died.

Finn shut the door, turning his head to look at Florence. She was looking straight ahead, where she had once knelt.

Finn knew in that moment, that the sadness and anger that filled his body, would have to wait. His main purpose and main responsibility was Florence at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now