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Florence wasn't going to get high today, there was no way. She walked towards a camp, a small piece of paper tucked in her hand.

Her eyes set on a boy, a few years older then her. He was currently cutting wood. Not far from his sat his father and sister, there eyes on a book the young girl was reading.

The girls head shot up, a wide smile spread across her face. "Florence". She shouted.

The boy dropped his axe and turned around, rushing towards her. "Hello, you". He said, wrapping his arms around her. He lifted her up, his head in the crook of her neck. Florence held on tight to him, not wanting to let go.

He pulled away, placing her down on the ground. A frown spread across his face. "Who did this to you?" He asked, his hands gently grabbing her face. Her eye that was clenched shut was sore.

"I fell over in the garden". She whispered.

The boy shook his head. "Don't lie to me Florence...please". He muttered.

Florence held onto him again, letting out a loud cry. "Oh, Bonnie.....I'm so lost right now". She cried out, clinging to her friend.

Bonnie frowned and helped his friend to sit down on one of the logs. Aberama Gold, the matriarch of the Gold family looked at the young girl as she sat down. "What's happened to you, my child?" He asked. He nodded his head at Esmeralda, telling her to go and get them a drink.

"Don't say you fell Florence, because that's a lie". Bonnie said softly, his fingers moving her hair away.

Florence looked at Bonnie, her eyes full of hurt and pain. "I haven't told anyone this". She whispered.

Aberama nodded and leaned forwards, his head turning as Esmeralda walked over with three glasses and a half a bottle of whisky. He poured the drinks and handed one to his son and Florence. "Take your time my child". He said softly.

Florence took a large gulp of her drink, her breathing becoming erratic. Bonnie nodded his head, rubbing her back gently.

Florence told them everything. She told them about how the Shelby's had forced her father into selling the flower shop, how her father disappeared and how her mental health was getting worse. Her words exactly were, "I fear the Gyspy curse on my mothers family is hitting me".

She told them how her father was drinking again, how he was getting abusive. How he made her drop her friends. The only reason she allowed this to go on was to keep Daniel safe.

The Gold family remained silent, no one was talking. Aberama looked at Bonnie, his eyes harsh. "Grab my gun for me son". He muttered, as he stood up.

"No...Aberama please". She pleaded as she stood up. Flo grabbed his hands, her eyes soft. "He's gone, he's left. He's gone for two weeks, I don't know where, he never told me. Please....I can sort this out". She cried.

Aberama looked at her, his eyes soft. "Florence darling....why are you protecting him? Your father...he's a monster. Your mother feared him, do you ever wonder why she left him?" He asked. The Gold family were close with Florence's mother's side, that's how she knew the family.

When she was a young girl she was introduced to Bonnie, and even though there was a slight age gap, they became fast friends. Tillie and Eddie, they didn't really understand the friendship. Everyone had heard stories of the Gold family, just like everyone heard stories of the Shelby's.

"He's my dad". She cried out.

Aberama nodded and pulled her in for a hug, his hand on the back of her head as she cried into his chest. "The minute he gets back, tell me straight away. I promise I won't hurt him, if I have to I'll take you and Daniel myself. You can live with us". He whispered.

The Gold family assisted that Florence stayed for dinner, and a few drinks. Bonnie held Florence's hand, a sad smile on his face. "It's all going to be okay Flo...I promise you". He said. Florence turned her head to look at him, a small smile on her face. She kissed his cheek softly, resting her head on his shoulder.

After promising them to visit soon, Florence set of home. She felt almost free after telling someone her story, like a weight was lifted off her back.

Florence walked down Garrison Lane, breathing in the foggy air. Maybe she could leave her father, and take Daniel to live with the Gold family. They did treat her like she was one of their own, they would welcome her into their home.

Home. She thought.

Her house hadn't felt like a home for a long time. Her eyes shifted to the Garrison, where Finn was standing alone. Inside was his family and friends, all drinking the night away. His eyes found hers as she stood across the road from him.

It was like gravity that pulled her towards him, her eyes still soft. "Hi". She whispered.

Finn looked over her face, like he was checking for any fresh bruises. "Hi". He muttered.

"I....I just wanted to say, that I'm not high. I haven't touched the stuff today". She said, a small frown on her face. She was unsure of why she was saying this to Finn. Maybe it was more to herself, that she didn't need the cocaine to help.

"Good for you". Finn muttered.

Florence nodded her head, her eyes turning to look at the Garrison. Finn turned his head to look at the pub, his head turning to look back at Florence.

"You can join us if you like?" He asked.

Florence shook her head, her head turning to look at him. "I think we both know that's not a good idea". She answered.

Finn nodded his head, his eyes on her black eye. "Well then....be careful going home. Don't fall over again, we don't want you getting a matching black eye now do we". He muttered.

Florence smiled sadly, her head shaking. She watched as he threw his cigarette to the ground. With a simple nod, he turned to walk back into the pub.

"Finn". She called out.

He turned to look at her, his eyebrow raised. "Yes?" He asked.

"I...I lied to you". She answered.

Finn frowned and turned his body to fully face her. "Lied to me about what?" He asked.

"I...I don't think your an asshole, in fact, you never have been one". She answered. She nodded her head at him, and turned around making her way home.

"Is it him?" He asked suddenly.

Florence turned to look at him, a frown on her face. He licked his bottom lip as he walked up to her, his hand gently grabbing her face.

"That Patrick....has he been beating you up?" He asked.

"No....". She whispered.

"Tell me who it is...please Florence. Stop protecting them. Stop protecting your father, I know you love him but he's going to kill you". He said, his eyes searching her face.

"It's not my father". She whispered.

"Then who is? It's clearly someone. Tillie and Edward said they saw you a few days ago, hand marks all over your arms. Florence stop protecting him. Think about your brother". He said.

Florence took a step back. "He's all I do think about. Just stop it. Stop". She snapped.

Finn frowned as he watched her walk off, his body leaning in the doorway. Whatever it was about Florence, it confused him. A huge part of him wanted to rush after her, but another part of him told him not to.

"You've been out here for ages, you alright?" Isiah asked, a small smile on his face.

Finn nodded his head and stepped into the pub. "Yeah...I'm fine". He answered.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now