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Florence woke early to Tommy barging into her room. "Polly is waiting downstairs for you, we have a job". He muttered.

Florence moaned into her pillow, her head raising slightly. "What time is it?" She asked.

Tommy looked at his watch, his face emotionless like usual. "6:15". He answered.

Florence let out another moan as she sat up, a loud yawn escaping her lips. Tommy stood in the door way, his eyebrow raised as he looked down at her. "Up now Florence". He said.

"Okay calm down dad I'm up". She snapped as she pulled the covers away. She looked up at him. her head shaking. "Can I have some privacy or you gonna just stand there?" She asked.

Tommy let out a small laugh as his head shaked. "There she is". He muttered as he shut the door.

Florence got dressed, and pulled on her boots. She let out another yawn as she walked down the stairs. ""Goodmorning Polly". She said as she reached the last step.

"Goodmorning Florence". polly said softly, her head turning to look at Tommy.

"I want you both to get Michael and give him to the Golds". He said, his eyes on a letter that was currently in his hands.

"Why does the Gold's need Michael for?" Florence asked, a small frown on her face.

Tommy looked up, his eyes catching her own. "You frown to much, you'll get wrinkles". Was all he said as he walked away.

Florence frowned even more and turned to look at Polly. "He's right you do". She whispered as sh grabbed the younger girls hand.

They walked out to the car and got in, the two of them silent.

"Tommy wants Michael to be away for a while, Changretta visted him in the hospital". Polly said after a while as she turend to look at Florence.

"Is he okay?" Florence asked.

Polly forced a smile as she nodded her head. "Yeah...he is". She answered.

They got to the hosptial and the two women got out of the car. "Does he know he's going?" Florence asked.

"Not yet, just let me break it to him". Polly replied.

They walked into the hosptial, there heels hitting the hard floor. Florence looked around at the faces, trying to see if they had been followed at all. Tommy had told her that she needed to look out where ever they went, incase one of Changretta's men where following them. Now that Mrs Ross knew what FLorence looked like, she most likely had told them her apperance and who she was.

Florence smiled widely when she saw Michael her arms wrapping around him gently. "Hi". She whsuepred softly.

"Hello". He muttered.

He turned to look at his mother, a small smile on his face.

"You ready?" Polly asked.

Michael nodded his head, as he pulled on his coat. Florence knew to keep her mouth shut, it wasnt her place to say where they where going.

The car journey was quiet and it was something that Florence didn't like. After Polly had replied "You'll see" to Michael after he asked where they where going it went extremley quiet in the car.

Florence looked out the window to see a man standing upahead, his head turning as he muttered something.

Polly stepped out first, Florence followed her a small sigh escaping her lips as she stood in mood. She turned ehr head and gave Michael a small smile.

"No. No fucking way". Michael muttered.

"You ever eaten hedgehog, Michael?" Aberama asked. Florence smirked slighlty, her head shaking slightly. Her eyes found Bonnie's, a small smile spreading acroos her face.

Polly let out a laugh as she turned to look at Michael. "I'm getting back in this car" Michael muttered.

"Micheal, you're number two on Luca Changretta's hit list". Polly explained.

"Ywah, and i'll stay in a hotel". Michael said as he pulled out a cigarette.

"You stay in a hotel, I'll know where you are, so will the people who take you there, so will the people who work in the hotel, and hotels don't move around. They don't even know where they'll be tomorrow. They follow the Patrin and the crows". Polly said.

"And if anyone should come for you, Michael, the Palmers and the Boswells will put up a fair fight". Aberma said as he walked forwards, his hand placing on Flo's back.

Florence frowned as she looked up at him, her eyes turning to the men behind her. "Not your father's relations I promise". He whispered. Florence looked up at him, her head nodding gently.

"Take your medicine". Polly said.

"I'll take them". Bonnie said softly as he stepped forwards.

"Your painkillers..". Polly muttered.

"The healers up there will heal you much quicker". Aberama announced.

"Fucking wched, the lot of them". Michael muttered.

Aberama let out a small laugh. "Show some respect, Mr Gray. They have agreed to welcome you on account of your blood". Bonnie said, as he looked Michael up and down.

Florence smiled as she followed Bonnie, her arm hooking through his. "Hit the wrong spot did he?" She asked.

Bonnie smirked as he looked down at her, his shoulder gently nudging her. "Shut it Boswell". He muttered. Florence raised her eyebrow. "Oh Boswell is it? That's okay Mr Gold". She replied.

Bonnie turned his head to look down at her his head shaking. "Never call me that again". He said as he let out a laugh.

Florence leaned on a tree as she looked up at him, a small smile on her face. "Where's your cap, you havent already ditched it have you?" She asked.

Bonnie smirked as he looked down at her. "No I have not". He answered. His hand rested on the tree, he leaned down, looking down at Florence. "You know, your eyes are really bright today". He muttered softly.

Florence looked up at him from her long lashes, a small smile spreading across her face. Her cheeks grew slightly red. "This is where you say something nice about me". He whispered.

"Your eyes are nice to Bon". Flo teased. She turned her head, a small smirk spreading across her face. "Looks like your dad and Polly are getting on". She said.

Bonnie turned to look at them, a small snort came from him. "I guess he does want to get into the family then". He said.

"Ewww Bonnie". Florence laughed as she gave him a small shove. She looked up at him, a wide smile on her face.

"It's good to see you with that smile on your face again". He said, his eyes soft.

Florence gave him a small smile. "Well you are the only one that gets me grinning like a idiot". She muttered.

Florence frowned as she turned her head. "They've stranded us". Florence whispered.

Bonnie turned to look, a small laugh escaping his lips. "Looks like it's just me and you then". He said as he handed Michael's medicine to a man.

"Aren't you guys moving? I can walk myself back". Florence said.

Bonnie looked down at her, his head shaking. "No way, we'll go by horse like old times". He muttered as he dragged her over to a horse.

"No way". She said, a wide smile on her face.

Bonnie looked down at her as he placed the sadle over the horse. "Yep, now hop on up". He replied.

Florence smiled widely as she got ontop of the horse, her hand gently running down its mane. "Hello". She whispered.

Bonnie got behind her, his hands placing on her hips. "I'll let you take the reigns". He said. Florence smiled widely as she grabbed the reigns, gently tutting for the horse to move.

Falling // Florence Boswell // Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now