Watching Clouds ❀ Scaramouche

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╔═══ -ˋˏ *.·:·.♕︎.·:·.* ˎˊ- ═══╗

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞...

╚═══ -ˋˏ *.·:·.♕︎.·:·.* ˎˊ- ═══╝

[Modern AU!]

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[Modern AU!]

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Watching the clouds go by. Is there a problem?"

You couldn't believe the events that had just transpired. You felt guilty, tear stains covering your cheeks. You were surprised the teardrops didn't flood your entire room, but they eventually stopped and you ended up sitting on your bed, hugging your knees. You were numb.

Your parents grounded you because of your actions, but they had no idea what was going on with you. They would never know, since there was no way you'd say anything. You felt pathetic and belittled. Surely they would think the same of you.

"I can't do this... I can't do this... I can't..." You whispered, feeling the tears well up again.

You felt like you were being buried, under the weight of your tears and emotions and all the things he did. He took advantage of your feelings for him and it ended with you doing things you would've never even considered before. You hurt people and stole their belongings, not even giving a care in the world because each time you did, he would give you the praise you oh-so-desperately desired. As a result, you got expelled because of your actions. Your parents gave you one hell of a lecture, lasting almost three hours. They repeated the same things. They were disappointed in you, you were getting grounded for four months, you're staying in online school from this point forward, and that they'd never trust you again.

All of it was because of some bullshit guy who lied about everything. Because of him, you lost yourself. Yourself, and everything else.

Meanwhile, Scaramouche was sitting in his room, ignoring the words of his parents outside his door. He was also expelled, but he refused to stay outside of his room long enough for his parents to give him a lecture. They were still trying, though, even from the hallway outside his bedroom. He didn't know what happened to you after your parents picked you up, but he guessed it wasn't good. It couldn't have been. You just beat up a kid so bad that he had to be sent to a hospital, after all. Your parents definitely wouldn't let you go easily.

He did care about how you were doing, but only because he felt guilty. He'd rarely gotten that feeling before, but something about the expression on your face before having to leave made him feel a pit in his stomach. Your eyes held such hatred, and he was aware it was directed toward him. You were staring right into his soul with that piercing gaze, and he knew it was likely for you to never talk to him again. Despite all he'd done, he still enjoyed spending time with you. Well, that was gone.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Watching the clouds go by. Is there a problem?"

"I just don't see the point."

"Oh well. I think it's calming," you smiled up at him as you laid on the grass with your hands behind your head.

"Is it?"

"Mhm," you hummed. "It's nice. I try to guess where they're heading."

"You can clearly see what direction they're going..." Scaramouche commented, looking up at the sky.

"Shh," you hushed. "You never know how far they'll go before they disappear."

"Sure..." He replied, not fully convinced.

"Just lay with me please?" You requested. "Maybe you'll see what I mean."

"I doubt it..." The boy sighed, laying down beside you anyway.

It was all gone.

"You're sure we won't get caught?" You said, glancing at your surroundings to make sure no one was there.

Scaramouche pulled out the spray paint and began spraying it on the walls, "No one will know it was us. They don't have the brains to figure that out."

"If you say so..." You mumbled, taking another can and copying his actions. You weren't very adept at art, so you just put random lines across the walls of the hallway.

A car pulled into the parking lot and you saw the light through the high windows. You panicked, but Scaramouche just grabbed your wrist and took you to a janitor's closet to hide. You were pressed close against him, causing your face to go red. He noticed your flustered state and smirked.

"Still worried?" He questioned in a low voice.

"W-Well yeah..." You whispered.

"Let me help with that then," he snickered.

Before you could react, he'd already pressed his lips onto yours. You kissed back after realizing what was happening, hoping that whoever was there would go away. You heard footsteps go past the closet, but you were too drunk on Scaramouche's love and affection to even care. It was actually quite exhilarating, for both Scaramouche and you. You could've tasted his lips forever.

All gone.

"Don't you like the night sky?" You asked.

"I don't really care for it."

You smiled, "I guess I'm not surprised... It's comforting to me, though. It feels like the stars are my friends, y'know?"

"You seriously don't have other friends?" He scoffed.

"Not really, aside from you," you shrugged.

"But that doesn't count," he stated, pulling you closer and wrapping his arm around you from the side. "Because I'm your boyfriend."

"R-Right," you stuttered. "Oh... Well, this is my house, so... Bye?"

Scaramouche planted a small kiss on your lips, "Goodnight."

"G-Goodnight, Scara!"

Scaramouche didn't even realize he was crying until almost ten minutes after he started. The good memories with you made him realize something. He did feel something for you, but he found out too late. You were never going to speak with him again, and that made the tears fall faster.

A Year Later

Scaramouche laid down in the grass, sighing as he looked at the sky. He learned to find comfort in the clouds, since they reminded him of you. It was bittersweet, since thinking of you made him upset, but the golden memories he had of you made him just a bit happier. He hadn't seen you since that day, but it was probably better that way.


His eyes widened at the sound of a familiar voice. He sat upright and turned around to look at you. You'd just started going outside to try and get out of the house, so why did you have to run into him? You shouldn't have even said anything so he wouldn't know you were there.

"Y/n, I-"

"Sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you," you stated, backing away, holding out your hand in front of you as if it was a barrier between you and him.


"Don't say anything, please."

You walked away, leaving Scaramouche speechless. There really was no chance of getting you back, no matter how hard he tried. You were gone forever.

"I hate you."

𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙩 | 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now