Flowers, For You ❀ Qiqi

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𝐎𝐡, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫...


[PLATONIC];; Comfort ;;

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;; Comfort ;;

"Hope they get well soon," I said, smiling half-heartedly, handing the bag full of medicine to the customer.

"Thank you, have a good day," they blessed before heading out of the pharmacy.

I exhaled, noting that the sky was growing darker by the second. It was gloomy, the rain having stopped just minutes before. Qiqi walked in from the front with a basket full of herbs and flowers.

"I'm back..." She said in her normal monotone voice.

"Hey, Qiqi," I greeted with another smile as I left from behind the counter. "What'd you get this time?"


She was having trouble remembering, so I took the basket and set it on the counter, looking into it myself. She worried me every time she went out. Every time, I'd be scared that she would forget her way back, though she never did. Still, if it happened once, it would be the first and probably the last time.

"These will be very useful," I commented, looking back over to her. "You seemed to have gotten an excessive amount of Qingxin flowers, though. I guess we won't need any more of those for a while!"

"Oh... Well, I-"

"Don't worry about it," I grinned, crouching down beside her and patting her on the head. "Thank you for helping out, Qiqi."

"You're welcome."

I stood up straight, hearing a few raindrops hit the ground. It was going to start up again, and I wasn't home yet. I put the herbs in their designated places before grabbing my umbrella and stepping outside. Qiqi stayed silent while I got ready, observing me.

"Bye, Qiqi," I waved, giving her one last smile for the day.


I took a deep breath and began walking home, feeling the cold air hit my skin. It seemed to release a bit of the emotional tension I was feeling, but it also made me more somber. Normally I liked the rain, but not on a day like that. Certainly not on the day I found out that the person I loved never loved me from the start. Who knew they would be so good at pretending?

I sighed, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. The drops of water rolled down my cheeks effortlessly, even though I didn't want them to. I was so deeply upset that my legs began feeling like they'd give out. I had been on my feet all day, leaving no room for rest. I was preparing medicines while Baizhu was out on a short trip. The others who usually worked with me were sick, so I was the only one there. Well, aside from Qiqi, but she was out gathering herbs anyway. I still appreciated her help though.

I felt dizzy, the world beginning to spin. I was disoriented, my vision being obscured by black dots. All of a sudden, my legs refused to work and I fell to my knees on the ground in the middle of the street, which was usually bustling, but because of the rain, no one could be seen. A crack of lightning was shown far away, followed by the crash of thunder. I flinched, but didn't move.


"Huh? Qiqi?" I gasped, turning my head to look at her as she approached from behind, no umbrella over her head. "Wait, you didn't get your umbrella? Here."

I held my umbrella over her, leaving me to get soaked in the rain. I didn't mind, I just wanted to know what she was doing outside. Did she see me collapse? Hopefully not.

"Can you... Come back to the pharmacy...?" She requested.

"Of course, what's wrong?" I questioned, worried.

"Nothing's wrong. I wanted... To give you something," she replied.

"Oh, alright..." I nodded.

I inhaled before forcing myself to stand on wobbly legs, almost falling again before steadying myself. I couldn't help but wonder what Qiqi wanted to give me. She was such a sweet kid... She never deserved to die in the first place. We soon arrived back at the pharmacy and I sat down at the table near the counter, finally feeling relaxed. Meanwhile, Qiqi went behind the counter to grab something and eventually approached me with a bouquet of flowers.

"I wanted... To give these to you... I forgot why I picked so many, but then I looked at my notebook..." She explained, holding them out for me to take.

I was touched by her gift, gently taking the flowers, "Thank you so much, Qiqi... It means a lot."

"You seemed... To be having a bad day. I wanted to help."

"I can't thank you enough," I smiled, feeling the tears start up again. However, the second time was from a more positive place.

I placed the flowers carefully on the table and hugged Qiqi, not too tight but tight enough to let her know I cared. She seemed confused, but returned the embrace anyway. I pulled back and wiped my tears, taking a deep breath.

"Did something happen today?" She queried.

"I guess you could say that," I responded. "Just a bit of betrayal, that's all."

"Oh. Okay."

"Again, thanks for thinking of me, Qiqi."

"You're welcome."

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