Stay With Me ❀ Xiao

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𝐈𝐟 "𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮" 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞,
𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐢𝐭, 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭?


[Xiao x Female Reader]-Trigger Warning, Mentions of Suicide-~Modern AU~

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[Xiao x Female Reader]
-Trigger Warning, Mentions of Suicide-
~Modern AU~

The wind caused her hair to sway from side to side. Meanwhile, the girl stared out at the lowering sun. The weather was nice. It was breezy, but not too cold. The girl considered it to be the perfect day for her to see her last sun.

She sighed, gazing over the edge of the school roof, "Maybe not today..."

"Y/n?" Xiao spoke, his voice as soft as Y/n's favorite flowers, Qingxins.

"Oh, Xiao. What are you doing here?"

"I saw you head up here and wanted to check on you."

"Well, I'm fine. No need to worry."

"You looking over the edge of the building as if you're about to jump off is not what I consider 'fine'."

"I won't today," she turned around and smiled.

Xiao sighed, "Well, I wanted to give you something..."

"Oh? What is it?"

Xiao approached and pulled something out of his pocket, but it was so small that his entire hand covered it. Y/n gazed curiously at his hand until he used his free hand to hold hers. She blinked and felt a warm rush across her face. Xiao finally showed what he'd gotten her.

"It's a crystalfly hairpin. I thought... It would look nice."

"Xiao, you didn't have to..."

"I know."

"You're too sweet..." Y/n said.

"May I...?"

"Of course."

He slipped the pin in the girl's hair, feeling her soft hair against his hand. He couldn't explain how he was feeling, but it was good. Y/n brushed her fingertips over the pin, smiling at the idea of him giving her such a thoughtful gift. She guessed it was because she previously mentioned how she thought crystalflies were very beautiful.

"So~ Was your judgement correct? Does it look nice?" Y/n giggled.

"Yes," Xiao confirmed.

"Well, I'd wear it even if it looked awful," Y/n claimed, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. "Only because you gave it to me, though."

"Ah... Thank you."

"Of course. You can go home now, I know it's getting quite late by now."

"I'd rather not leave you alone here," he stated, glancing behind you at the building's edge.

"Oh, come on~ You don't trust me?" Y/n pouted.

"Do you realize how horrible I would feel if I left you here and ended up finding out tomorrow that you killed yourself and no one was there to stop you!?" He snapped, stepping back from the girl. "I know I don't show it much, but you of all people should know that I do have emotions."

"Xiao, I... I'm sorry..."

"I'll believe you're sorry when you stop coming up here every single day," he retorted, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "You scare me."

"I didn't realize it worried you so much..." Y/n mumbled.

"Well, now you know. Just... Don't leave me, please..."

His voice grew weak toward the end and he looked away, attempting desperately to wipe away his tears and conceal the fact that he was crying at all. Y/n took a step toward him and placed a hand on his shoulder, but he quickly brushed her off. His body was shaking, and he couldn't control it.


Y/n slowly embraced him from behind, causing his heart to stop for a moment. He tried his best to calm down so he could speak, but it took almost five minutes before he could choke out the words he wanted to say. Y/n had her head resting on his shoulder as he took a deep breath.

"I care... About you. I don't want you to die, just like everyone else..."

Everyone else...? Y/n wondered.

"I love you, Y/n. Please at least try to stay with me for a little longer."

"I love you too, Xiao..."

"Then why the hell do you keep scaring me!?"

Y/n let go and moved to his front so that she could look at him directly. She felt guilt overwhelm her as she saw the hurt in his golden eyes. She took his hands into her own and squeezed them gently before bringing one of her hands up to caress his cheek.

"I'll... Try to get better. Can you help me with that?"


"Thank you, love."

Xiao felt his face heat up and he was tempted to look away, but he couldn't stop himself from staring into Y/n's eyes. She gave him a sweet smile before leaning closer to him, pressing their lips together. Xiao was surprised at the sudden advance, but he ended up closing his eyes and going along with it. After pulling away, Y/n grinned.

"Just stay by my side and I won't go anywhere, okay?"


This was originally supposed to be Xiao comforting the reader but it turned into the reader comforting Xiao I don't know how-

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