Laughter ❀ Aether

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𝐈𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫...


[Follows the beginning of the first archon quest]~Aether x Female Reader~

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[Follows the beginning of the first archon quest]
~Aether x Female Reader~

"Aether, hurry up!" Paimon groaned, floating ahead of me.

"Okay," I sighed, running to catch up with her.

We were supposed to be heading to one of the anemo archon statues, and I could see it below us, in the middle of a small body of water. Paimon barely stopped to look, just heading down to the statue. I had to rush to keep up.

"There it is!" She cheered. "Huh? It looks like someone's over there..."

I didn't see before, but there was a girl hauling herself up onto the platform from the water around the statue. She was severely injured, and one of her arms looked out of commission. I gasped at the sight of all her wounds, and I immediately dived into the water, swimming over to meet her on the piece of land where the statue resided.

"Hey, are you okay? What happened?" I asked.

She collapsed at the bottom of the statue, breathing heavily. She looked up at me, but it didn't seem like she was planning on responding. After a moment, the statue began to glow and all of the girl's injuries were healed instantaneously. She exhaled, sitting upright.

"Headache..." She mumbled, before turning her head to look at me again. "Oh, hi!"

"Hello..." I greeted. "What just happened...?"

"Do you not know?" She tilted her head, confused.

She stood up, dusting off her knees, "These statues have healing properties!"

I gazed at the statue, reaching my hand out to touch it. Once I did, it glowed again and I felt a sudden surge of power rush through me. I looked to Paimon, wondering if she knew what was happening.

"Woah! It looks like you just absorbed the power of anemo!" She pointed out.

"Huh? You don't have a Vision..." The girl from before said. "Hey, what's your name?"

"My name...? It's Aether," I answered.

"I'm Y/n!" She introduced with a toothy grin. "Are you a traveler?"

"Yeah... I'm not exactly from here," I replied. "I'm trying to find my sister."

"Oh? She's missing?"


"Hm," she hummed. "I think someone in Mondstadt should know something! Let's head there and-"

She cut herself off by gasping as we both looked overhead, seeing a dragon flying through the sky. It was... Majestic, to say the least. Y/n seemed especially enamored with it, though. Maybe she had an extreme interest in those sorts of things.

"Woah! Was that Dvalin!? Oh my god, that was so cool!" She giggled, her voice growing louder by the second as the excitement seemed to overwhelm her. "Come on, let's go after him! We might be able to find him!"


She hopped into the water and swam across, then turned and waited for me. I hesitantly got in and swam to her. Once I was on solid ground, she grabbed my wrist and began running toward the direction the dragon went. Paimon promptly followed, yelling at us for going ahead. I really didn't care, though. Eventually we found the dragon, but it seemed like a boy was talking to it. I'm not sure how, but we ended up scaring it off and the boy disappeared as well. The dragon only left a crimson crystal in its wake.

"Aww... I think I saw that boy around Mondstadt before," Y/n commented as I picked up the crystal. "I wanna meet him now. I wonder how he's able to talk to a dragon?"

"That's not normal here?" I asked.

"No, not at all..." Y/n blinked. "It doesn't seem like you're familiar with Teyvat at all. Are you from another world or something?"

"Ah, yeah..."

"Woah!" Her eyes lit up. "Really!? That's so cool! You'll have to tell me about your adventures sometime!"

"I will," I smiled.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we should really be heading to Mondstadt now," Paimon mentioned.

"Oh, right!" Y/n gasped. "Let's go~!"


We got to Mondstadt and a few people waved to Y/n or greeted her briefly. She seemed popular in the city. There were a lot of people. She seemed so friendly, and she was actually quite pretty too.

"I think we should ask the Knights of Favonius," she suggested. "Maybe they know something about your sister."

"O-Okay," I stuttered, a bit intimidated by her effortlessly perfect smile.

As we headed to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, Y/n seemed to realize something. Maybe something had just come to her mind, but she wasn't slow to express what she was thinking about.

"Do you have a glider?"


"Oh! We'll have to see if we can get one from the Knights, then," she concluded.

We were interrupted by Dvalin crashing through Mondstadt, tornadoes crashing down into the city from the sky. I was swept up by one of the tornadoes, though Y/n tried reaching out to take my hand. I'd already been thrown up into the sky, though.

After chasing off Dvalin with the help of a mysterious voice, I got back down to the ground and Y/n ran up to me, tackling me in a hug. I felt my heartbeat accelerate at the feeling of her on top of me, but I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her, returning the hug.

"Are you okay?!" She exclaimed, getting off me and sitting beside me. "Sorry for tackling you, I was really worried."

"It's fine," I said, sitting up straight. "Thanks for worrying."

She grinned and stood up, helping me as well. Y/n took a step closer to me and suddenly leaned in, kissing my cheek. I felt my face burn red and she giggled. I was amazed that she could laugh in such a situation, and even though the skies were still grey, they seemed to brighten up with her laughter.

"You're really cute! Now, let's go to the Knights' Headquarters, shall we?"

𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙩 | 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now