𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲 ❀ 𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚

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𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐬𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲,
𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡...


—gn!reader—fluff—modern au (dance teacher!kazuha x dance teacher!reader) + day four of kazuha week <3—1

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—modern au (dance teacher!kazuha x dance teacher!reader) + day four of kazuha week <3


kazuha's dancing was elegant and smooth. every step he took, it almost sounded as if he'd tiptoed over a puddle, and his abilities were admired by all the students he taught. they loved him, not only because of his graceful movements, but because of his impressive teaching skills and wonderful personality. most were young teens, and he somehow found ways to accommodate each of them, using their own strengths to their advantage.

you also held deep admiration for him, though you were merely another teacher in the same building. you had an undying passion for dance as well, but you weren't a fan of the competitive atmosphere you'd been subjected to. so, you decided to settle on teaching others and showing them how to love it the same way you did. this hardly meant you lacked skill, however. in fact, you resided on the same level as kazuha.

despite teaching an entirely different class, you interacted with kazuha often. you would frequently visit his classroom as the day concluded, either to talk or ask about different techniques. with all these occurrences, his students found themselves giggling at the way kazuha would look at you, and the subtle frown on his face whenever you'd leave. of course, they teased him endlessly for it, and gushed over the potential of a relationship, but you had no clue this was happening.

so, when you knocked on the door in the middle of his class, you were oblivious to the snickers and whispers among the students.

"uh, hello!" you said, holding the package tightly in your hands. "sorry to interrupt, but a package arrived for you so i thought i'd deliver it.."

kazuha smiled as you peeked your head in, "it's alright, y/n. come in."

you obliged and stepped to the center of the room, gently waving to his students in the process. when you held out the package, he took it into his hands and set it off to the side, glancing to the smirking teenagers from the corner of his eye.

"well, i guess i'll go then—"

"ah, wait," he spoke before you could move your foot. "could you spare us a minute, y/n? i'd like to demonstrate something to my students, but it requires two people."

"of course. my class just ended," you nodded. "what should i do, then?"

"i'll lead, don't worry," he shook his head, shifting his attention to the kids. "please step back."

they obeyed and your nervousness grew, your body stiffening up as you faced kazuha directly, hs body parallel to yours. he looked to you for permission, which you granted with a feeble nod, and his hands rested snug against your sides.

this feeling begun a while ago.

the slight tingle in your stomach whenever he smiled at you, your eyes being drawn to his lips as he spoke, the shivers crawling up your spine when his skin touched yours, and the lingering thoughts of him circling when you laid in bed at night.

it felt odd, having such feelings for someone, but there was nothing you could do to prevent them. so instead, you began to live beside them, and incorporate these complex thoughts into your dancing.

it was always a brew of fuzziness and confusion, since you'd never experienced these emotions before. this was how everyone described love, but after so many failed relationships and deluding yourself into thinking you loved people, you concluded that you simply didn't have the ability to harbor such feelings.

so there was no way, right?

"are you alright?" he asked, noticing your rigid form.

you were quick to reply, "yes, i'm fine! i'm good, you can go ahead."

he started with a short introduction, ordering the kids to observe the fluidity of the movements and pointing out how dancing with a partner required "working in the same mind". however, you were completely unable to pay attention with the warmth shooting up your spine as kazuha subconsciously slipped one hand to the small of your back. his words were a blur, but you prepared yourself for the dance. it was nerve-racking; the last time you'd danced with him was before these feelings surfaced.

his gaze returned to you and all of a sudden, your view was dark. the lighting in the room remained the same, yet the intensity of this eye contact seemed to bathe the room in a sensual red, similar to the color of his eyes.

and it started.

your chemistry in dancing was always quite strong, but here, despite being complete improv, you both moved as if you were pieces of one body. the students watched in awe, but they were no longer in your field of view. the only thing you could see was kazuha, and how he guided your figure to twist and twirl at his will. this was your own intimate bubble, separating you from the natural world. 

his hands roamed across your waist, eyes flickering over your body occasionally, and your heart was set aflame. you indulged yourself in the feeling of his prying eyes, and the way you melted into his touch. he was warm; you were warm.

as your dance came to a close, your heart pounded inside your chest, racking your entire body while the speed picked up before you abruptly stopped. kazuha had slid his hand beneath your thigh with one arm around your back to prevent you from falling as he dipped you. you stared in astonishment as the color returned to the room and your face buzzed with heat, embarrassed by how you immersed yourself so deeply. still, you stared into kazuha's eyes, faces burning and breathing heavy.

holy shit, i'm in love with kazuha.

regaining his senses, kazuha offered you a teasing smile and returned you to solid ground, allowing you to stand for yourself. once he stepped away, your eyes drifted over to the kids, who had their phones out to record the interaction. seeing this, you groaned quietly and hid your face in your hands out of shame.

"i hope you're recording for learning purposes," kazuha said sternly, giving a slight glare to his students.

"of course, sir!"

"alright..." he quirked a brow, clearly not believing it. "you're dismissed, then. we'll continue on thursday."

you stood awkwardly while the kids packed their bags and bid their teacher goodbye until they'd all exited the room. afterward, kazuha walked over to you and brushed a strand of hair out of your face.

"are you okay?" he asked softly. "my apologies if i embarrassed you."

"no, no!" you responded. "i embarrassed myself..."

"hmm," he hummed. "would you find it more comfortable if no one was around?"

"well, yes, i suppose..."

he linked his hands with yours, intertwining his fingers with yours.

"should we go again, then?"

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