Flower Firework ❀ Yoimiya

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𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞...


[Welcome, Yoimiya and Sayu!]

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[Welcome, Yoimiya and Sayu!]

"Yoimiya!" You called, finally resting your arms as you set the crate you were holding down on the table. "Here's the supplies you ordered."

"Oh, thanks! You're a big help," she grinned.

"No problem. Doing anything different for the festival this year?"

Yoimiya raised her eyebrow at you, a small smirk tugging on her lips, "Why? You want a sneak peek? Well, too bad! I'm not saying anything!"

"Damn," you sighed dramatically. "Guess I'll have to find out like everyone else."

"Yep. Just because you're my best friend doesn't mean you get special treatment. That would just be unfair," Yoimiya smiled softly. "I hope you like the fireworks this year though!"

"Well they're yours, so I'm sure I'll love them."

"Aww, so sweet!"

"Y-Yeah, I guess so."


You were excited for the festival, wondering what popping colors Yoimiya would create with her fireworks. They were always magnificent, and the firework show was all everyone looked forward to in Summer, and that included you. You also liked watching them with Yoimiya, which was the best part of it all. Neither of you ever said anything, but you didn't need to. Just basking in Yoimiya's comforting presence was enough. The whole world could end, but as long as you had her, you were fine.

"C'mon Y/n!" Yoimiya whined, jumping excitedly as you crossed the water, soaking your shoes and feet.

"Hold on, I'm going as fast as I can," you replied, rolling your eyes playfully.

She's so cute.

Once you got to the island, she grabbed your arm and dragged you along to the usual spot, to the highest point of the small island. She sat down, pulling you with her, and stared up at where the fireworks were supposed to go off. She seemed especially excited this time, which got you curious as to what new idea she tried.

The show started and the area fell completely silent aside from the big boom from the fireworks. Yoimiya held her head up with her hand and stared at the splashes of color in the sky. You looked over for a second and you could see the sparkle in her eyes. Nothing was out of the ordinary so far, so you assumed there would be something new at the end. You couldn't figure out another reason why she would be so happy.

Eventually, the last firework sparked and you accidentally let out a small gasp, your eyes widening. It took the shape of your favorite flower. You had no idea how Yoimiya was able to accomplish such a thing, but either way, you were proud of her. She probably had a bit of help making that one. She knew it was your favorite flower, so you wondered if it was for you, but soon enough, Yoimiya confirmed it herself.

"You know that last one was for you, right? What'd you think?" She asked.

"It was incredible. I loved it," you answered. "I'm proud of you."

"Ehe, thank you!" She giggled. "I'm glad."

"Hey, Yoimiya?"


"I have something I need to tell you."

"Oh, what is it?"

"I love you."

"H-Huh? Really?"

"Y-Yeah. You don't have to-"

"I love you too!"

"You do...?"

"Well yeah! I mean, who wouldn't? Plus, why else would I make that firework for you?"

"You're way too nice to me," you said.

"That's 'cause you deserve it."

"If you say so."

You leaned closer to her and held her cheek with your hand, looking into her eyes for permission. She nodded gently and you pressed her lips against yours. The feeling you got while kissing her was enough to beat any firework show combined. If all the feelings were made into actual fireworks, they'd be the most beautiful in all of Teyvat.

You pulled away and sat normally, letting your hand rest in your lap as you turned your head away from her. You were embarrassed, wondering if she even liked the kiss. Yoimiya stared at you, confused by your behavior. She waved a hand in front of your face, but you only turned further away.


You rested your head in your knees, trying to hide your red face and calm down.

"Did I do something wrong?" Yoimiya queried.

"N-No," you stammered.

"Then what's wrong?"


She repeatedly tapped your back, trying to get you to face her and it worked. You lifted your head and turned around. Seeing your still red face, she realized that you were embarrassed. In all honesty, it was the cutest thing she'd ever seen.

"Aww," she wrapped her arms around you, giving you a tight hug. "You're so cute!"

"W-Wha? No I'm not...!"

"Mhm, sure..."

"I'm not!"

"And I'm not Queen of the Summer Festival."

"But you are."

"And you're cute."

"Ahh, I give up..."

(This one was done in a rush and I'm trying to get another one done too for today and I only have like an hour so I'm sorry it's not the best)

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