Chapter Forty Two

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"No, Harry, please stop!" I cried into the phone, wiping my eyes and franticly looking at Nate.

"Park, I'm coming right now, were getting you out!" Harry said through the phone.

There was then a lot of commotion on the other end and I heard multiple voices through the phone. I couldn't make out who was talking, but by the sound of it, probably all of them.

"Harry," I cried, "please listen to me. Please." I croaked the last please, and everything on the phone went silent.

The silence continued on, no one breathed, moved, or made a single noise.

"Harry, you need to stay there. Come when you were going to originally. Please. Please don't leave. Please don't do anything stupid. I love you, and I need you. Our baby needs you. I can't do any of this without you here by my side. Please don't do something heroic to try and save me, but ending up getting hurt. Or worse, killed."

Harry said nothing. The line was still connected, but there was still absolutely no noise. So I continued.

"If you leave now, without a plan under your belt, Rob and Billy will hurt you. They are ready for anything. There are guards everywhere. It's not safe to come alone, you will fail. And I don't need the person I love to meet his child while he's dying. So please Harry. Stay with everyone, don't leave, and come get me at nine."

"I love you more Park."

I smiled and let the last few tears fall from my eyes. Nate put his hand on my knee and smiled.

"Harry. I love you more then you will ever, ever know." I said clutching onto the phone like it was actually Harry.

"I know sweetheart. I know."


Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain.

Pain was all I felt.

I heart hurt, and my stomach hurt worse.

I could hear laughter somewhere off in the distance. I tried to move, but I couldn't feel anything from my neck down.

I heard crying. It sounds like Harry. Harry is crying... Why?

I tried to say his name, but as soon as I opened my mouth, the pain got worse. I felt a horrible, gut wrenching pain in my stomach.

I turned to scream but no sound came out. I could hear Harry screaming at someone, I could hear someone laughing, I could hear the cries of a baby.

My baby.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and thrashed around violently. I felt my hands hit something, or someone, I don't know what, or who, but I knew it hurt them.


I was sobbing now, and I felt two hands grip my arms to prevent me from hitting them again.

I screamed again and my eyes shot open. The pain in my stomach went away and I was looking into the eyes of an extremely pissed off Rob.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now