Chapter Fifty Seven

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Twins. No, that can't be possible. She can't be having twins. I'm not ready for twins, I don't even know if I'm ready for one!

I smiled at her, but I think she understood that I was freaking out. She took both of my hands with hers and looked at me with a neutral expression. I could see the twinkle in her eye still.

"Harry," she said squeezing my hands, "I know we can do this. Look at all we've been through in the last year- hell! The last hour! We have our family, we can do this. I know we can. Because I will love you until I die."

"Please don't make that any sooner than it should be. I love you more, by the way." I said leaning forward.

She smiled into the kiss, and we pulled away rather quickly due to a nurse 'aweing' us. She turned pink, and apologized.

I turned back to face Park, and smiled at her. "I missed you so much, baby. I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner, I could've been there for you, I could've seen your pregnancy."

"It's not your fault Harry. They were too prepared for us, and I don't blame anyone but myself. I hope Cam knows that. That day when I got taken, it was no ones fault but mine. I was the one who begged to go into the garden, Cam didn't want to, I made her. I was stupid." Park wiped a tear that had fallen from her eye.

"Baby, please don't blame yourself. You're part faerie, it's in your nature that you would want to be surrounded by plants. It's not your fault. It's Rob's fault." I said cupping her face with my left hand.

She leaned into it and gave me a small smile. She sighed, and out of nowhere made a face full of pain.

"The babies are coming!" The doctor said putting gloves on.

Park's face scrunched up in pain, and she groaned letting her head fall back onto her pillow.

The nurse told me to come around to the back of her bed, so I was behind the headrest. I think Park appreciated that, because honesty, who would want their boyfriend to see them give birth.

I don't think anyone, really.

I grabbed her hand from over her shoulder, and she squeezed to the point were I couldn't feel my fingers.

She screamed loudly, and I heard commotion in the hall. I knew right away it was everyone, but they weren't allowed in until the babies were born.

The doctor, and the two nurses, started to set things up. I didn't know what they are doing, but another nurse came in with two of those bins they put the babies in to clean them, and weigh them.

Park continued to squeeze my hand almost to the point of crushing it, then the doctor started to say the cliche 'birthing process'.

"Okay, I can see a head, when I say three, push, okay Parker?"

Park nodded frantically.

"One... Two... Push!"

Park's face contoured with pain again as she pushed with all her might. The doctor and nurses continued to encourage her, and she collapsed back into the bed, sweating.

I heard a cry from a baby and jerked my head up toward the doctor. He was handing a baby to the nurse, and she puts it into the bin, cleaning it.

Park started to push again, and my focus went back into her. I put my free hand over our already intertwined hands, and squeezed. She didn't hold back when she squeezed back.

Not that long after the first was born, I heard another cry, this time a lot quieter.

Park and I both stared at our two kids in awe. The doctor and the free nurse cleaned up Park, and congratulated us. We thanked them, and I went around to the side of the bed.

Park made enough room for me to sit down next to her, and I could tell she was exhausted.

"Baby, you did wonderful." I whispered as we watched the nurses weigh the babies, and write things down.

"Thank you Harry." She whispered back, leaning her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes. "I love you."

"I love you. And I love our beautiful kids."

Park smiled and leaned more into my shoulder, sighing.

"Parker, Harry, do you want to hold them?"

We both looked at the two nurses and nodded. We took them carefully, supporting their heads.

The door opened, and everyone came rushing in. Ava, Alisa, Azailia, Cam, and Louis immediately said 'aw'.

"Parker, you are holding your son. He was the first born, at 10:47, ahead of his sister by two minutes exactly. He weighs seven and a half pounds. Harry, you are holding your daughter. Second born at 10:49. She weighs 6 pounds."

"They're so beautiful." Park said tearing up. She caressed his cheek carefully and smiled.

I looked down at my daughter, and heat rushed over my eyes. I would do anything to protect her. And her brother, and definitely their mother.

"We need to know the names, for their birth certificates." One nurse said handing us a pen and two pieces of paper.

Park handed over our son to Ava, and Cam took our daughter. Everyone gathered around them to see the babies.

"What do you want to name them, baby?" I asked looking at her with beaming eyes.

She smiled, and glanced at them. "I got to think about it a lot, and I know the perfect names for both of them."

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now