Chapter Sixty

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Park cried as she stepped into the house. Holding Emma in her left arm, who was wrapped in a pink blanket. I walked in behind her, putting my free hand on the small of her back, leading her into the house.

Everyone filed into the front room, and went off to did their own things.

Lou sat on the couch and looked off into nothing. Ariel guided Mike to a couch and he openly sobbed into his hands. She tried to help him, but nothing she was saying did anything.

Sapphire went straight to the backyard, and withing seconds we all heard angry screams, and the water from the pool flying through the air.

Park sat down on the couch, and carefully adjusted Emma in her arms. She smiled down at her, and looked up at me as I sat with Nolan.

Azalia and Cam sat across from us. Nolan walked behind the couch and leaned over next to Park. He put his finger out to Emma, and she slowly reached up to grab it.

He smiled at her, and Cam "awed". Park smiled too.

"She likes you, Nolan." She said in a quiet voice.

Liam was standing against the wall, with Ava in his arms. "It's going to get confusing with those two." He said.

"Yeah, when Park says, 'Nolan has a full diaper', we'll never know who she's talking about." Ava said looking backwards at him.

We all laughed and Liam blushed a deep red.

"Okay, whatever. I mean when he gets older."

Park and I both looked at each other. "When, Liam. Not now. We have a lot of time."

I looked down at Nolan and smiled to myself. This moment is perfect.

But one thing would make it better.

"Hey, Cam, can you hold Nolan?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Of course, gimme." She took him gently and Azalia began making faces at him.

I stood from the couch and took Emma out of Park's arms. I handed her to Ava, and she smiled at me.

I took Park's hand and pulled her up from the couch. She looked confused, but I pulled her to the center of the living room.

I took a deep breath, and took both her hands in mine.

"Parker, I love you."

"I love you too Harry." She said without missing a beat.

I smiled, and got into one knee.

She gasped, and immediately started to tear up.

"Parker, I love you more than anything. You're my mate, my best friend, the mother to my two beautiful children, and the reason my world spins. I know these past few months have been hard, and we haven't seen each other, but to me, its as if no time passed. I love you Parker, will you do me the highest honor and marry me?"

Everyone was on the edge of their seats as Park wiped her eyes. She looked down at me and slowly got to her knees. She leaned forward and kissed me softly.

She pulled back and smiled.



The house suddenly shook violently, and Noaln speed to Ava as she fell forward. He stoped her from falling, and held Emma protectivly.

"That was Sapphire!" Liam yelled trying to catch his balance.

I reached for Park, but she was gone.

"Park? PARK!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

I heard a yell from the front yard, and it sounded distinctly like Park. I jumped over the couch, Nolan right after me. We ran out of the house and saw five cloaked people. The one in the black robe had Park levitating off the ground with a cloud of black around her. Behind her was two more clouds of black, and from my view, it looked like Nathan and Park's mom.

"Who the hell are you." I growled.

"Please, Mr. Styles, no need to get violent."

"I said, who the hell are you."

"If you must know," all five of them took off their hoods, and the first thing I noticed was their eyes. Solid gold, "We are the Guardians."

They all looked to be my age, but I could sense that they are much, much older, and extremely more powerful.

We heard rustling, and looked to the side of the house. Sapphire came limping and fell to the floor. Nolan rushed to her and helped her up.

"They're going to take her, stop them." She said before loseing consciousness.

I looked back at the five of them, but they are gone.

"Not again," Nolan said sighing.

I looked forward, and saw nothing but yellow. I didn't hear her answer.

I growled and stormed back into the house.

"Who the hell are the Guardians!?" I screamed throwing the door open.


"They have Park! And Nathan and their mom!"

"Again?" Azalia whispered.

"We need to get her back! I'm not doing this again!"

I looked on the coffee table and saw a picture of Park and I. I grew sad, and suddenly there was a fist sized hole in our living room wall.


Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now