Chapter Nine

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"Do you think you can run from me, girl?"

A small girl whimpered and retreated into a corner, curling herself onto a ball. Probably wanting to have as little space taken up by her presence.

"You're a stupid, ignorant, and foul, girl! You will never beat me. I will succeed and have both your father and your beloved sister."

I couldn't see the mans face, he was in the darkest corner of the room, only his feet showing to the girl.

She was shaking violently as the unknown man raised his hand and began to reach out for her.

"If you will not tell me, I will have to force it out of you."

The man stepped into the light, his face luminated.

His pure white hair was short and spiky. He has a long face, but a narrow jaw. His chin was slightly pointed, and his lips were set in a tight line. His eyes were those familiar, terrifying color. Gray with bright red specks. He had no imperfection whatsoever on his face, but he must be hundreds of years old.

"No! No, no! Please!!" The girl cried, trying to shrink into the wall. She was full on sobing now, but the vampre continued to advance on her.

His white arm reached out and his fingers wrapped tightly around the girls wrist.

He closed his eyes as the girl struggled, whimpering at his touch. His grip tightened and after a few moments, his eyes flew open and he released her.

She attempted to run, but that might have been one of the biggest mistakes of her life.

The vampire was in front of her in less then a second and an unknown force flung her into the stone wall. When her back made contact, she let out an ear-splitting scream that seemed to shake the small, stone room.

"Like I said, young one," The vampire said with a smile on his face, "you cannot run from me. I will always win."

He looked one more time at the girl on the floor, curled into a ball, struggling to breath.

A door slammed shut and he was gone like the wind.

The girl looked up and around the room. She slowly got to her feet, using the stone wall for suport.

I looked closer at the girl and noticed things about her.

Her long, light orange hair was in small curls that cascaded down her back. Her green eyes were wide, and full of fear. She had freckles under her eyes and on her nose. She was no older then 16, and her size was small.

She looked around her frantically and seemed to be searching for something. Her green eyes squinted into the darkness and she leaned forward.

"Dad?" She whispered, tears coming into her eyes.

She stepped away from the wall and resched out in front of her, moving her arms, in search for her father.

She was in the middle of the room, about the spot where the vampire was standing, when someone coughed. It was a terrible sound, it was like the person was dying.

"Dad? Dad, where are you?" The girl said, on the verge of tears.

"Over... over here." A cracking voice spoke from the darkness.

The girl stumbled and fell forward, grasping someone's, her father's, hand. She let out a cry and pulled her father into the dim light.

"Sweetheart." The man said breathing heavily, "You need to get out of here. I can buy you enough time, and when I distract them, you run. Find your sister and brother. They are in a very small pack called One Direction. It will be easy to find, but do not, and I cannot stress this enough, do not talk to anyone from The Northern Pack. You will know them when you see them."

The girl nodded and looked back to where the steal door was. "Dad, what about you? When I leave, they could ki-"

"I'll be fine." He said in a sharp voice, cuting off the rest of her sentence. "Shift straight away and run."

The girl had tears falling from her eyes and nodded again. "I love you daddy."

The man brought up a shaky hand and cupped her cheek. He gave her a regretful look and wiped one of her tears away.

"I love you. Now, go in the corner by the door, they are coming back!"

The girl crouched in the corner and tied her hair into a sloppy pony tail. She had the look of determination as the door swung open.

The man launched himself on the white haired vampire. They tumbled onto the brunette and the blonde.

The vampire with black hair hissed at the girl, but she swung her leg under his and he fell onto his back.

She shot through the door and sprinted up a spiral staircase, bursting through a door into sunlight.

She sprinted another couple feet and shifted into a huge light orange wolf with bright green eyes.

The wolf ran and jumped through the forest, looking back, in hopes to maybe seeing her father.

She continued to run, not looking back anymore. There was a spark of sadness in her eyes as she reached the end of the forest, coming to a cliff. She shifted back and looked over the end. The ocean crashed against the rocks a hundred feet below.

She looked over to the left and right. She had tears streaming down her pale face. She suddenly straightened up and whirled around, starring wide-eyed into the forest behind her.

"Grab her!" A high, menacing voice cut through the air like a newly sharpened knife.

Two of the vampires were moving in on her, and she took a step back, feeling the end of the cliff.

The brunette was hissing at her, showing a sickening smile. His teeth were pointed and bright white.

The girl closed her eyes and took a breath. She was violently shaking, and her hand twitched.

She flung heself backwards, falling closer and closer to the dangerous, crashing waves.

My eyes popped open and I could feel like I was falling. I was covered in sweat and my heart was beating so fast, I swear I could feet it in my throat.

I looked to my right and saw Harry sleeping peacefully. I sighed and tried to calm down my heart beat.

Who was that girl? She looked so much like a combination of me and Ed. Her hair was Ed's color, but her freckles and face shape were mine.

The man? He said that her sister and brother were in the pack One Direction. No one in our pack are siblings, but me and Ed. It only makes enough sence that that man was my father...

And I have a half sister.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now