Chapter Forty Five

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We were all sprinting towards the house. As we got closer, the smell of werewolves was almost too much.

Liam slowed down as we approached the end of the forest. He stealthy walked towards the house. We all flowed him into a small line of bushes.

We all felt around for a hole, and when none of us could find anything, I was giving up hope.

"I found it guys." Ava's voice came up in all of our ears.

I grinned as Ava flashed me a smile.

She climbed into the hole, and she whispered that no one was in the room, and it was safe.

We were almost all through, when Niall and Cam heard people coming.

Niall, El, and Cam didn't make it in. Myself, Liam, Lou, Ava, Nolan, and Ed did.

Ava took out her phone and dialed Nate's number.

She handed it to me and I listened to it ring. It went to voicemail, and I grew worried.

I dialed again, but this time it answers right away.


"Who is this?" I growled, growing angry. This is not Nate. Where is he.

"My name is Mike. I'm a friend of Nate, and Park." My heart stopped. "Nate and Rob got into a fight and Nate is unconscious."

"Is he okay though?" I asked looking at Liam.

"He's fine, just bruised. You're in Ava's old room right? Want us to come get you? Well take you to Nate's room."

Liam nodded.

"Yeah, thanks."

"I'll send Ricky, and we'll take two trips, just in case."


There was a small knock, and the door opened to reveal a guy.

He was tall, had blonde hair, and brown eyes. And from the looks of it, was extremely fit.

"I'm Ricky, Parker and Nate's friend. Mike sent me." he said closing the door.

He looked at me and gave me a look. "I'm Harry. Can we hurry this along please? I would like to see Park." I said growing impatient.

"Oh, yeah sorry, since there are six of you, I can take thr-" he stopped dead when he looked at Ava.

She held her head high, but grabbed Liam's arm and slowly went behind him.

"Avalon? You're back." Ricky said smiling. "I missed you, when you and Cam didn't come back we all thought the worst, until Rob came back a while ago and said that you were alive."

"Ricky, where ever we left off, it can't start again. I found my mate, and I love him." Ava said not looking him in the eye.

Liam quickly understood and glared at Ricky.

Ricky's face fell, and he glared at Liam back. He crouched a little, and growled.

Liam did the same, and pushed Ava into me. I moved her behind me, and went in between them.

"Both of you shut up! Ricky, take Lou, Nolan, and Ed, then send Mike to get us. We can't waste time with anything stupid, understand?" I said growling at both of them.

Liam backed off, and Ricky looked ticked off. He motioned for Lou, Nolan, and Ed to follow him, and they were gone.

"Liam, Ava clearly does not even remotely see anything attractive in him anymore! Why would you challenge him like that!" I angrily whispered.

"He challenged me first Harry! What was I going to do? Look weak?" Liam said back.

"No, you ignore him and go to your mate! Maybe kiss her or something to show that she is yours, and you are hers. Just... Don't do that again, okay?" I walked to the other side of the room.

Liam went up to Ava and apologized. She accepted and kissed his cheek.

We waited for another minute before Mike came in.

Mike had black hair, blue eyes, and was about the same height as me. He didn't wait a second as he motioned us out into the hall.

As we were walking, Mike fell into step with me.

"It's not safe for you to be here Harry, Rob is planing to kill you literally right now. If someone sees you, you probably have about a minute to live." He said looking down the stairs.

"Oh, good to know."


*Rob on side, or above*

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now