Chapter Two

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I sat in the garden and smiled as a butterfly landed on a small, blue flower. I watched is fluttering around, and I became fascinated as its wings started to glisten in the sunlight.

I never truly knew that nature was so beautiful.

Even though I never actually changed into a actual werewolf, I am still one, and I see everything differently.

The sun shines brighter, the grass looks greener, water sparkles more, and nature just... calls to me.

I stuck my hand out towards the butterfly slowly and carefully. It fluttered around, and then landed on my finger.

I smiled and pulled my hand back towards me. I looked closly at its wings and saw the delicate lines that made elaborate twists and turns.

The butterfly suddenly flew off my finger and started for the trees.

"Wait!" I whispered getting up and chasing after it.

I felt something... odd about that butterfly. And I wanted to figure it out.

I followed it to the start of the trees and it landed on a low branch. It spread it's wings out and the interaget design shined in the sun.

I smiled at how simple beauty could be. Absolutely breath taking.

I was about to reach for it again when I heard a weird noise from past the trees.

I sounded like a growl. But at the same time, a whimper?

I took a slow step backwards and scanned the trees. I couldn't see anything, but I heard another strange noise.

This time I'm sure it was a growl.

I turned in a flash and sprinted back to the house. I flew up the front steps and through the door.

In my attempt to act like I wasn't running, I ran right into Ed's chest.

I landed on my ass on the floor and all my hair landed in my face. I blew out a breath and it flew up.

"Sorry sis," he said grabbing my hand and pulling me up, "didn't see you."

I pushed all my hair out of my face and smiled at him. He's been calling me "sis" for about a week now, and whenever he does, I just get extremely happy.

"No need to apologize Ed, it was my fault, I was running." I said waving my hand in the air.

He looked at me funny but shook it off, "Cam is looking for you, I think she's in the back swimming with Niall."

"Thanks!" I called walking through the kitchen, passing Liam and Ava, who were making out.

I pushed the screen door open and stepped back out into the fresh air.

The backyard is huge. We have an in-ground pool, a 12 people hot tub, a basket ball court, and a small area where there is six lounging chairs, a table for six, and a small fire pit.

I looked into the pool and saw something similar to what I saw in the kitchen.

Cam was pushed agaisnt the wall of the pool, her legs wrapped around Niall's torso, as they very intensely made out.

I rolled my eyes, "I swear, if I see one more couple this close to sex, I'm going to scream."

They imetiently broke apart and Cam turned a bright shade of pink. Niall scratched the back of his head as I walked towards the pool.

"Seriously, this house is fill of hormonal werewolves. This is not good. Anyway, Ed said you were looking for me, Cam?"

"Um, yeah, I was," She turned to Niall and pecked his lips, "sorry sweetie, I have to talk to Park."

"That's fine," he said as they got out, I took a step back, not wanting to get wet, "and I'll be waiting for that scream, Park."

Niall grabbed a towel and walked into the house, drying himself off.

I turned back to Cam and raised my eyebrows, "Whatcha need?"

She looked uncomfortable all of the sudden. She was fiddling with her hands and looking anywhere but me.

"Cam, what's wrong?"

She made a noise that sounded like a sigh, but came out as a grunt.

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the table. We both sat down and she opened her mouth.

"Me and Ava have been wanting to talk to you about something. It's really important, and if we don't tell you, no one will."

"Whatever it is, did Harry tell you to tell me?" I asked leaning my elbow on the table and putting my chin on my hand.

"No, I did."

I turned my head and saw Ava standing a few feet away, her arms behind her back.

"Well what is it? You guys are starting to scare me."

"This is my brother, Rob, leader of a small rebellious pack across the border," she showed me a picture of Rob and my brain started to work.

I've seen him before. I know who he is. One of my dreams.

"Parker, run!"

My longs legs finally have a good reason. As I ran down the sidewalk, screams erupted behind me. Loud barks, hissing and unnatural tearing noises cut through the air.

Why was I the cause of this? I don't understand why I had anything to do with this. I got dragged into this, not by choice.

"Park, come here!"

I was still running when i looked to the left and saw Nolan, running with me, well jogging for him.

He picked me up bridal style and started to run.

Everything was blurring past us. I knew we were in the woods when the smell of trees hit me like a truck.

He stopped and set me down. We were at the forest border, and I suddenly became confused.

"Nolan... this isn't our side. Why did you bring me here?"

"Good job Nolan."

Someone grabbed my hand and tugged me backwards. My back made contact with his chest and he chuckled.

"Welcome to the North Pack, Parker Sheeran."

"Him!?" I screeched almost falling out of my chair.

Cam's hand shot out and grabbed the handle, stopping the chair from tipping.

"You know him? From where?" Ava said putting the picture down.

"I had a dream... he was there." I said looking at the picture on the table.

"What was it about? What exactly happened?" Cam asked letting go of the chair.

"Well there was a fight, and I was running away, and then... Nolan came and swept me off my feet. He ran me to the border, not our side. Then he was there, and he said 'Welcome to the North Pack, Parker Sheeran.'" I explained.

Ava and Cam looked at eachother, then me. Ava had a disgusting look plastered to her beautiful face. Cam looked scared.

Ava snatched the photo off the table and crumpled it into her hand. She flew off the chair and stomped towards the house.

"That sneaky bastard!"

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now