Chapter Seven

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I pouted my lip and slouched my shoulders.

It's been about two weeks since we found out Rob wants me. And let me tell you... it hasn't been fun.

I haven't left the house at all. I haven't seen Nate, or my mom. I haven't been able to go places with everyone. I stayed in the house, and with Harry.

But, some good things come out of this as well.

Me and Ed are even closer, we talk all the time. We acually have a lot on common. I love spending time with him, and it makes me feel like the whole in my heart is filled when he is around.

But I still miss Nate.

"Why can't I?" I asked, standing from the bed, walking up to Harry, who was at the desk, looking over the drawings of the Northern Pack's safe house.

Ava drew it up in seconds. Liam wants us all to memorize it, just to be safe. Since I have nothing else to do, I know it like the back of my hand.

"Park, you know very well why." Harry said folding it up and placing it back in the folder.

"I know," I said standing behind him and putting my chin on his head, setting my arms around his neck, and my hands resting on his chest. "But it's so boring. I just want to walk in the garden before winter comes."

Harry grabbed one of my hands off his chest and wrapped our fingers together. He leaned his head more onto me and sighed.

"Someone has to go with you." he said in a whisper.

"I know. And I'm fine with that. Only if I can pick them."

Harry moved his head away from me and turned in the chair to see me. He didn't let go of my hand, but tightened his grip.

"Who do you want to?" he asked slowly, drawing out his words.

I thought for a moment over my options. The 'Terrible Three' are out of the question. I've spent a lot of time with Ed, and El. Ava and Liam are always too invested into a huge book to even talk to. Niall is usually eating, so is Lou. So I guess that leaves one.



"Thanks for agreeing Cam. I just really wanted to get out of the house." I said letting my finger brush over a red rose.

"No problem. I would want a small break too, if I was in your position." She smiled.

Cam looks a lot different from when I first met her. Her black hair was fuller and fell in beautiful waves on her shoulders. She looked happier too, she had that glow, and her smile never faltered. Her taste in clothes changed too. She always seems to be wearing bright colors. Like today, light blue jean shorts, and a pink flowy shirt.

"Yeah," I laughed, "it's definetly not how I wanted to spend my time."

I smelled the air around us, many fragrances filling my senses. I felt at peace in the garden. Over a hundred different types of flowers grew here, and they all made everything look beautiful.

There were flowers in every color. Blue, pink, purple, yellow, green, red, white, orange, we even have a few that are black. They all have the same purpose though.

To be gorgeous.

I bent down and plucked a white rose from a rose bush. I picked the thorns off and twirled it around my hand.

"You really like the garden, huh?"

I broke away from the flowers and turned around to see Cam smiling at me.

I nodded and looked at the rose in my hand. The white had no imperfections, and looked as perfect as the first snow.

I smiled and closed my eyes, breathing in all the wonderful smells.

I heard Cam gasp and something crunch. I opened my eyes to see that she fell backwards into a bush, covering her mouth with her hands.

"Cam!" I dropped the rose and grabbed one of her hands, pulling her up.

She stared at me with wide eyes, still covering her mouth with her hand.

"Cam, are you alright?" I asked, brushing off some leaves from her shirt.

"Park, you-you're, you can- I don't believe it. Park, you can contr-"

Something huge slammed into Cam, sending her flying across the garden. She landed about forty feet away, screaming when she made contact with the ground.

"Cam!!" I screamed.

I started to run to her, jumping over plants. About halfway to her, I felt excruciating pain in my stomach.

In less then a second, I was flung backwards, hitting a tree. I landed on the floor. My legs gave out on me and I fell on my side.

I screamed when a giant dog appeared in front of me.

The werewolf growled and barred his teeth. I tried to back up to get closer to the tree, but it took a step forward, making me freeze on the spot.

I felt something warm and sticky run down my cheek and knew that I had a cut on my head.

The werewolf was pure black and had bright blue eyes. It's hair was short, and I saw that it had a scar on it's mussle, meaning when he shifted back, it would be on his cheek.

He took two more steps, and he was inches away from my face. He snarled and stared into my eyes.

Please, someone help.

I tried to get back again, but I couldn't move without feeling terrible pain in my stomach.

I moved my hands behind me and felt a small flower. I curled in my hand and tears sprung into my eyes.

I'm going to die.

I werewolf growled and coiled back, getting ready to attack. I gripped the flower tighter.

One last growl and the wolf lunged.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now