Chapter Five

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"Park, honey, wake up."

I rolled over onto my stomach and groaned quietly. I felt a hand on my uper back, and opened my eyes.

"Baby, it's almost eleven, you have to wake up." Harry said smiling.

"I don't wanna, Harry. I'm tired." I sighed, searching for more blanket.

I saw that Harry had most of the blanket, and frowned. He smirked and looked at his hands, "Oh, you want this?"

"Yes, I do. Harry I'm cold." I whined, shivering.

"Then come here," He said opening his arms. I inched closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled to his chest and smiled, "I love you babe."

"I love you more." I whispered, kissing his shoulder.

We layed there for another half an hour at most. Harry would occasionally kiss the top of my head.


I pulled my head away from Harry's chest and looked up at him. He inched closer to me and our lips brushed together.

He smiled as our lips danced together. My hand rested at Harry's chest. His arms were still wrapped around my waist and they tightened as our kiss became heated.

Harry was on top of me in seconds, and he slowly began to open my legs. I kissed Harry harder and waited for him.

"Hey, Harry, Liam is-WOAH!"

I yelped and Harry fell next to me. I covered myself with the blanket and pushed myself into a sitting position.

Louis was standing in the doorway, covering his face with his arms.

Heat began to make it's way up my neck and set on my cheeks. This is by far the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me, and that's saying a lot.

"What Lou?" Harry said tugging his boxers on, a tint of red visible on his cheeks.

"Sorry, I knocked. Didn't mean to cock block. But Liam wants to talk to you guys, well all of us." Lou said uncovering his face, also showing a deeply redened face.

"We'll be down in a second." Harry said going in the closet and putting a pair of gray skinny jeans on.

Lou nodded and left, closing the door. Harry locked it and glances at me, "Guess we should've locked it, eh?"

I rolled my eyes and got off of the bed. I put on my bra from last night and Harry's gray shirt. I walked into the closet and slipped on matching panties. I also put on a pair of Harry's black sweatpants.

I walked out, running my fingers through my hair and noticed Harry was staring at me.

"What?" I questioned walking up to him.

"How come you're wearing my clothes? Not that I don't like it, but why?" He said putting his hands on my waist.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I just like your clothes."

I smiled at him and pecked his lips. He leaned his forehead on mine and intertwined our fingers together.

"Let's go see what Liam wants." Harry said starting for the door.


We were all sitting around the dining room table. Niall, Cam, Zayn, Perrie, Lou, El, Ed, Nolan, Me and Harry.

It was really crowded.

"So I have been informed bye Ava that her brother Rob formed a rebel pack. This pack has about twenty people currently, but the number is rapidly rising. We need to find out what they want, and what they plan to do with whatever it is." Liam said looking around the table.

"Rob is a terrible person. He always wants to be the boss of everything, and he is getting what he wants at whatever cost." Ava said making a face when she said his name, "He always gets what he wants."

"Well do we have any leads on what he wants?" El asked, looking serious.

I cast my gaze over to Ava, who was looking down at her lap. From the way the muscles in her arms were moving, I knew she was fidling with her hands. What I do when I'm nervous.

"No, but I believe it is something that can weaken Harry." Liam said looking over to my mate, "Harry, do you know of any family members that might be alive?"

I know Harry doesn't like talking about his family. It makes him really upset. He won't even talk to me about them. All I know is that his sister's name was Gemma.

"I don't know Liam."

Harry wasn't really paying attention anymore. He was looking at the table and muttering under his breath. I squeezed his hand, but he just kept muttering.

"Any other guesses?" Lou asked, sounding miserable.

My attention was back on Ava, who was still messing with her hands. She looked really nervous, and like Harry, was muttering. But she was muttering a lot quieter.

It was silent for a couple minutes as everyone thought and weighed options in their heads.

I couldn't think of anything that would weaken Harry. Silver bullets? No skinny jeans? What would weaken him? The only thing I can think of is-

"I got nothing guys..." Niall spoke up.

"Me either," Zayn said wrapping his arm around Perrie.

"Same." El and Lou said, frowning.

"Well, then we are not going to figure this out." Liam said sighing.

I took another look at Ava and saw her with a pained expression. I also noticed that she hasn't talked since she explained Rob.

"Ava," I startled everyone as I adressed her, "what do you think?"

Ava suddenly looked like she wanted to cry. Her lip was shaking, and her eyes glassed over. I could tell something was wrong.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Liam asked, grabbing her hand in his.

"I-I know w-what he wants." she whispered, tears threatening to fall.

"What? What does he want?" Lou asked putting his hand on her arm.

"I t-told you guys b-before, but I think y-you forgot." Ava choked out, putting her head on Liam's shoulder.

"What does he want Ava? Come on, everything will be fine when you tell us." Cam said in a soothing voice.

"R-Rob wants power. He-He'll stop at nothing to g-get that. And the only p-person who can give hi-him power is..." Ava stopped talking and wiped her cheeks.

She picked up her head and cast a sad look to me.


Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now