Chapter Nineteen

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"Thank you..." I said quietly, walking up slowly behind the girl with the red hair.

She stayed facing the way the Northern Pack ran. She was still standing straight, but her fists were clenched tight.

"Um, what's your name?" I continued, walking closer to her.

She turned around and faced me. I noticed how burning her hair was. Is that why it's red? She looked very upset, and I was going to ask her what was wrong.

"Shannon. I'm Shannon. One fourth of Elements."

What? Elements? One fourth? What is she talking about?

Three other... things... hit the earth, I went flying back yet again, but this time I landed on Niall and Zayn. The three of us all rolled across the grass.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Zayn yelled, getting up, bringing me and Niall with him. Harry took my hand and I was half behind him.

We all slowly approached the four... girls?

"I am Emilie. Power of Earth," the brunette waved her hand up and a huge chunk of the ground came out.

"I am Aria. Carrier of Wind," the blonde twirled her finger in a circular motion and a small twinster formed.

"I am Shannon. Giver of Fire," the redhead brought up her fist and slowly opened it, there was a ball of fire.

"I am Sapphire. Holder of Water," the girl with the blue hair took both hands and scoped them up, water appeared and floated there.

"We are The Four Elements." They said in unison.

I looked at Harry then back at them.

Emilie took the rock and held it above them. Aria made it twirl with the small twister. Shannon surounded the rock with fire. Sapphire closed her eyes and shot the water up.

When it came in contact with the fire rock, Emilie broke the rock into milions of tiny pieces. Steam flew everywhere and there was a blast of air.

Everyone was looking at eachother. Liam had his mouth hanging open, and El was tilting her head. Niall looked confused, and Harry was muttering.

"What was the point of that?" Zayn whispered to Niall.

"Welcome aboard." Liam said, braking the silence.


"Are you sure you don't want to stay here? We could have an emergency and you would be nowhere near us." El said smiling at the four girls.

We just finished giving them a tour. Me and El. They don't think its the best to stay because of there powers.

"Girls, we have an Angel, a Demon, a Vampire, and a lot of werewolves. There's a crap ton of power here. We don't mind. Really." El said smiling.

They girls looked at eachother and started to whisper. Shannon brought her hand up and they all became quiet.

"Thank you for your kindness, we will stay." She said nodding her head.

"Yay!" El said hopping and clapping her hands. "I'll tell the boys!"

El ran down the hall, turning down to the staircase.

The four girls looked at me.

"What are you Parker?" Emilie asked crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"What are you?" Aria said before Emilie could repeat it.

"I don't understand, you know I'm a werewolf." I said shaking my head.

"Yes, you are. But, thats not the only thing in you... is there? There's more. More power. Power like ours." Sapphire said.

"I... I think you guys are tired. It's been a long day, and I know that I am a werewolf."

Shannon looked closely at me. Her green eyes seemed to burn as she staired into mine.

"You... you are not ordinary. There are many, many things in you."

"Li-like what? What's in me?" I questioned.

Emilie took a step forward and tilted her head to the side, "Werewolf, Faerie, Angel an-"

She cut herself off by gasping. Sapphire and Aria both did too. Shannon gave off a light laugh.

"What? W-what am I?"

"You're a Werewolf, Angel, Faerie, and Demon hybrid. You're one of a kind."

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now