Chapter Twenty Three

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We pulled up to the house as Harry told a stupid joke.

"Ohh, that was horrible Harry." Liam said turning off the car.

We a got out and began to walk to the door when we heard a loud scream.


We all wasted no time in sprinting to the back of the house. As we turned into the garden, we saw Cam unconscious in front of a tree, her head bleeding harshly.

Niall ran to her and tried to wake her up. Zayn went with him and looked at her head.

Harry franticly looked around and looked like he was about to pass out. "Who screamed."

Liam looked at Harry and had a sad look on his face. He opened his mouth but closed it right away.

"Who did that scream sound like!!?" He yelled, his eyes becoming yellow. He shook violently, then without warning, he broke out into sobs.

I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him. He cried onto my shoulder as Liam and Louis shifted and began to run around, looking for traces.

Harry continued to cry on my shoulder, and I was shocked.

Harry usually keeps his cool for everything, I'm shocked he is braking down now. Well, it is his mate, so it's kind of understandable.

Harry pushed away from me suddenly, growling. I took a step back and put my hands up. I knew this was coming.

"Harry, calm down. It's alright, we'll find her." I said as softly as I could.

His eyes were the most vibrant color of yellow I have ever seen. They got brighter every second. I heard noise behind me and felt Liam's presence. He nudged my back with his nose and whined. I knew he wanted me to get away from Harry, but he needed someone.

"Harry, please. Park will be fine. She's safe. They won't hurt her, they will not hurt her. Just... Calm down, okay?"

Harry looked at me, his eyes burning. I grew scared every second. The tension grew so fast, it was like lightening.

He calmed down, because his green eyes came back through the yellow. He put his head down and nodded.

I walked up to him and put my arm around his torso. He put his around my shoulders and we walked back to the house.

Some time later...

"So Harry is laying down, he's almost cooled off." I said sitting next to Liam on the couch.

He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I smiled when he pulled me on his lap. "That was a good thing you did. Talking to him, helping."

"I know," I said leaning my forehead on his, "I'm a good person."

"You're my good person." Liam said placing his lips on mine.

We didn't get very far, because someone coughed behind us. We pulled apart, turning, and saw Harry. His eyes were red as ever, and he looked... broken.

"Ava... can I ask you something?" He said in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, anything." I said getting off Liam's lap. I sat back next to him.

"Um, was Park, no, is Park... pregnant?"

I stared at Harry.

I can't answer that.

I promised.

But it's Harry.

And Liam's right there.

But I promised.

I can't brake it.


Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now