Chapter Fifty Four

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Where have I heard that name before?

I remember someone saying it to me, I just can't remember who. And you think, with it being a unique name, that I would remember.

Maybe when I fist say what the boys were? In the forest? I can swear I heard someone say that name...

But then, at the club with those vampires, again, I swear I heard someone say that name.

Is he a vampire? Is that was he made a deal with Rob, because they both hate my pack? Because they both want all of us to be gone?

Or is he a werewolf like us? I mean, vampires are not known for stricking deals with werewolves, it's too risky. I guess in a certain perspective, he could be anything really.

I stopped thinking about it when another contraction started. I tried to sit up, but I was too slow, the pain became too much and I fell backwards. I held back a scream by biting down hard on my tounge, that hurt like a bitch, but it helped get the pain off my stomach.

This contraction lasted a couple seconds longer than they normally do, and I became worried. Isn't that a sign that you will give birth soon?

The heat rushed to my eyes, and my nose started to tingle. My lip shook as I tried to surpress the tears.

Nope, I lost.

I felt them fall down my face.

I'm going to give birth alone.

Harry. I need Harry. I need Cam. El, Ava, Perrie, Liam, Lou, Ed, Niall, even Zayn and Nolan. I need my pack. I need my family. I'm falling apart without them. I don't think I'll make it any longer. I don't think my body can handle it. I don't think my mind can handle it.

Oh no.

I felt more pain, and got ready for another contraction. But it never came.

My heart started to ache, and I felt like my chest was tightening with every breath I took. The pain grew every second, then out of nowhere, the pain stopped, but I felt a gigantic amount of loss. The feeling I got when my grandmother passed.

My eyes widened.

Someone is hurt. Someone isn't okay. Something happened. Who? Is it Harry?

Please don't let Harry be hurt. Please.

I sat up slowly, holding my stomach with my hand. "It's going to be okay, mommy will make sure if it. I promise."

I was startled when the door opened, hitting the wall behind it. I saw Rob enter. He was carrying rope, and I could see the outline of a small gun in his pocket.

I felt the heat come back to my eyes and shook my head. "Rob, please don't. The baby is going to come any minute now. Please."

"It started. And you're the last thing I need to end it all before someone else dies." He grabbed my upper arm and carefully lifted me off the bed.

I cried out in pain, and almost fell over, but he caught me. He swore, and started to tie my hands together. He didn't do it too tight, but it still wasn't lose.

He had me lean most of my weight, which is quite a lot, on him as we walked.

"What stared, what do you mean "last thing"? And who died?" I asked trying my best to stand straight, but failing miserably.

"Just stay quiet, and you might live long enough for that baby to be born."

That shut me up so fast, Rob looked a little surprised. I am going to give birth to this baby, if it's the past thing I do. Which honestly, it just might be.

We came to two doors. I could tell they led to outside, but we were on the second level. A balcony maybe? I don't know.

He opened them, and I was utterly stunned at what I saw.

Wolves were fighting. Wolves in their human forms were fighting. Nolan was fighting. Aria, Shannon, Emilie, and Sapphire were fighting.

Then my eyes caught something on the floor. Not something.


My mouth slowly fell open, and tears immediately fell.


I blinked through the tears, and all the fighting stopped suddenly. Some wolves shifted back to their human selfs, and I saw the one person I was looking for.

I heard the click of a gun loading, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Rob smirk at Harry.

Harry's lips snarled back, and he started to run forward.


Author's Note


So today is my seventeenth birthday, and I wanted to give you guys a little something because I can. (:

Are you ready for it?

There will be a third book beotches.

Love you! Stay beautiful,


Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now