Chapter Thirty Two

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"Liam, I can't wait any longer. We need to go now."

"Harry, we can't just barge in and take her back. We need a plan. This is one of Ava's siblings we're talking about here." Liam said marking more on the blueprint.

I ran my hand through my hair and walked out of the office and into the living room.

Ed, Ava, and Azalia were all sitting on the couch, talking. I joined them.

"Hey guys," I said sitting next to Ava.

"Hey Harry," Azalia said. "Hey." Ava said. And Ed nodded his head towards me.

We began talking about this show Ed has been watching a show called Breaking Bad. We were all really interested, and into it, when Azalia disappeared.

We all stared at the spot she was in and at each other. Then the black cloud came into view and it flew to the door.

She turned back into her self and looked at us.

"There is someone here. It smelt like Park at first, but then... Bitter."

I rose and growled as I walked to the door.

"Change into the cloud. Don't let him see you. Watch though."

Azalia nodded. I opened the door and she turned back into mist.

I saw him.

I went outside and closed the door. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"Stop. Don't get any closer or I will kill you." I growled when he was a good distance.

He stoped and looked at me.

"Look Harry," he said putting his hands up, "me and you have some things in common. For instance, we're both werewolves, we both have brown hair and green eyes, we both have a pack, and we both love Parker."

I wanted to kill him the second he said her name.

"Why are you here Nate?"

"And we have some differences too. For one, I know where Park is. And I'm willing to help you get her back."

I looked up at Azalia. She was still black mist, but I know she heard all that.

I stared at him for awhile.

I took a couple steps towards him, "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"She told me she was pregnant."

I closed my eyes and nodded.

"If you're lying about this, I sw-"

"I'm not Harry. I want my baby sister to be able to raise her baby with it's father. It needs to have what Park and I didn't."

I walked up to Nate and put my hand out. We shook and I invited him in to talk to Liam about this.

I will save Park. I will get her to safety, with our baby.

I love her too much to let anything happen to her.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now