Chapter Fourteen

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Five days after Azalia showed herself, I was sitting on the bathroom floor.

Ava, Cam, Alisa, El, Azalia, and even Perrie were sitting, or standing around me.

It took a while for Alisa and Azalia to be within 20 feet of eachother, but they both vowed to protect me. I don't know why Azalia vowed, but she did.

"Thanks for being here Perrie." I whispered looking on the counter.

"I know I have been mean in the past, but only because there was another girl in the pack, and I didn't think I would be your type of friend. I'm sorry." She said sighing.

I put my hand on hers and smiled weakly

"I'm sorry too. I was really hard to digest. I was just so confused."

She smiled back and nodded.

We all laughed, but the atmosphere switched to serious when we all heard a ding.



"GOD DAMMIT!!" Louis screeched throwing the controller on the couch next to him.

Zayn laughed and paused the game. "I always win Lou, I thought you realised that eight games ago."

Lou mumbled stuff under his breath as Liam and myself laughed.

"One day you might win. Just not today." Liam said chuckling, trying not to laugh annoyingly.

"Whatever, when are the girls gunna be back?" Lou asked handing Liam the controller.

"I don't know, they only left a little bit ago. Ava said that Park wanted to visit her mom." Liam answered.

"Wait. Park said that she wanted to visit her mom?" I asked.

"Yeah," Liam said starting the new game with Zayn.

"Her mom is in California with Abby and Gabby. They're looking at collages."

All the boys looked at me and panic washed over Liam's face. I was seconds from getting up when Niall came in.

His face was red and I could almost hear his heartbeat.

"Niall what's wrong?" Zayn asked, putting down the controller.

"Um... bathroom."


No one said a thing. Liam was leaning on the wall for support, Zayn had his face in his hands, Niall looked uncomfortable, and me.

I was sitting on the floor, my head leaning on the wall, my mind racing like a carnival ride.


"Is it true?"


"That's why they left. To go to the doctor."

I looked up at Liam and closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

"So it's true?"

Liam nodded slowly and we all freaked out.

"Someone's pregnant."


So hey guys!!
I haven't talked to you guys in awhile.
Anywhale, so I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, being the holidays, and with my parents divoreced, I've been everywhere and back about eight times.
So I'm posting today, and hopefully before the new year!!

If I don't have time, I wish everyone happy holidays, and a very joyful new year.

Lots of love

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now