Chapter Fifty Eight

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Saffron looked out of the castle window, paying close attention to the sky. Only hours ago she felt... off, like someone was trying to warn her of something. But she had no clue what exactly it was.

She felt a presence behind her and held back her obvious smile. She lifted her chin up and tilted her head back. She put her arms behind her back and turned to see the one she loved.

"Saffron," he said smiling slightly, but it vanished from his face just as quickly. Their love was forbidden, and if any of the Guardians found out, there is no telling that will come of them. "Jonathan requests your presence in his office, immediately, apparently."

"How soon is immediately?" Saffron said taking a step away from the window, slowly gliding towards him.

"Graysen did not say it with much force this time, so maybe not that immediately," Demetri smiled at her, and took her by the waist. Their bodies molded together in the best way.

Saffron put her hands behind Demetri's head, pulling him down to her level. She smiled at him, and quickly used one hand to lock the door.

The both leaned in, savoring the small moments they had together. Their lips met, and to both of them, nothing else mattered. They only saw the other person, and pure, true love filled the room.

Saffron opened her eyes suddenly, letting go of Demetri and speeding to the window. She looked out, sensing a great amount of power within the area. Her golden eyes scanned the sky, looking for something out of place, something that didn't belong, something that was the cause of her discomfort.

"Saffron," Demetri said coming up behind her. He put his hands around her waist, and let his chin fall on her head. She leaned back into him, still looking carefully at the sky. He glanced out the window, "What is wrong?"

"Something isn't right," she said furrowing her eyebrows. "Something, or someone is trying to get my attention, but I cannot figure out what they want me to know." She continued to look in the sky, and she gasped.

"What? Saffron, what it is?" He asked turning her around to face him. Her eyes were wide, and she remebered what God said the night they became the Guardians.

"Now, I am putting my trust in all five of you," God said smiling, "Don't make me regret my decision."

He got out of his seat and walked to Saffron. He closed his eyes and he started to glow and light gold color. He touched the top of her head lightly, and she glowed gold too. He did the same with the other four.

He then sat back down, and started to speak in an ancient tounge, "Da questo giorno, questi cinque avranno il potere e il controllo completo su tutti gli esseri soprannaturali. Essi lavoreranno insieme quando è necessario per, e proteggere il mondo. Essi vivere per sempre, e fare in modo che siamo in armonia. Tu, io do il Consiglio di creature soprannaturali."

(From this day, these five will have the power, and complete control over all supernatural beings. They will work together when needed to, and protect the world. They shall live forever, and see to it that we are in harmony. I give you, the Council of Supernatural Creatures. (Saved you a trip to Google translate))

The five glowed brighter than the Angel Light Saffron showed earlier. They all felt strange, and the gold light went into their skin, absorbing into their hearts, making them immortal. They looked at each other as a strange sensation spread through their whole bodies. Their blood turned gold, and as they stared at one on other, their eyes changed to gold too.

They all felt stronger, and Saffron stood up. She flapped her wings and smiled.

"Now," God said in a serious tone, "I'm putting all my trust in you. If I see that you are not doing your job, or if something is wrong, I will send Angel to deliver you a message. Good luck my Guardians."

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now