Chapter One

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"Harry, hurry up!" I groaned tugging at the door handle.

"Park, it would take less time if you helped, you know that, right?" Harry replied with laughter lacing his voice.

"I would help... if you would let me."

He shut up after that. Its been about a week since I turned, and were leaving the house today. Everyone else is already there, but me being stuck with Harry, I have to wait for his slow ass to pack the car.

"What else could you possibly have!?" I yelled after him as he walked back towards the front door.

I heard him laugh as the door closed. I groaned again and leaned against the car.

Another five minutes passed and we were(Harry mainly), done. Harry smirked at me as he finally unlocked the car, climbing in the drivers side.

"You could've unlocked it about five minutes ago, Harry." I mumbled rolling down my window.

It was one of the hottest days of the year. 105º is the high. Me and Harry are both wearing shorts, and tang tops. Mine is a light pink, while his is red with orange and white horizontal stripes.

"Naw, you look cute when you're upset." He said starting to drive away from my childhood neighborhood.

I looked out the window as we passed my house. I noticed something strange, I saw Nate watching from the living room window. Weird. And I noticed that he smells like woods, fresh, pure nature, all the time.

I felt a frown set on my face as Harry started the half an hour drive to our new house. I'm going to be sad leaving. I've lived in that house since I was one. And now i'm leaving. I know I would have left when I went to collage, but I want to stay with Harry and my pack.

I sub-concisely brought my hand up and felt my upper arm for the mark. It blended beautiful with my skin tone. As me and Harry grew closer, the more my symbol became bolder, and more noticeable. I can't believe that I haven't noticed their marks before.

I felt Harry take my hand off my shoulder and interlock my fingers in his.

"You okay?"

I looked up from my lap and slowly averted my gaze to Harry. He was staring back at me, but would always look back at the road.

"Um, yeah. I'm... I'm okay." I said rubbing my thumb on his palm.


He smiled and sideways glanced at me. His dimple became very prominent and he made me smile.

"Have I told you that you look absolutely amazing today, Park?"

I let out a small laugh and looked back at our hands. "You've said it more then once, yes Harry."

He smiled, but then his serious face returned. I could tell he wasnt going to let anything go anymore.

"Babe, what were you thinking about?"

I sighed and looked out the window. We had passed all the houses and were now entering the woods.

"I'm just thinking about Nate, and my mom. I just miss them..."

He let go of my hand and set his on my knee.

"They're fine, Park. Don't worry."

I nodded and looked back out the window. I noticed that we were on a dirt road, and I could smell Ava, Cam, and El almost perfectly.

Harry stopped the car and got out. He usually likes to open the door for me, but this time, I opened it and stepped out before he could get to me.

I looked up and saw the three girls running towards us. I looked past them and saw a beautiful brown house , three stories tall. There were trees surrounding everything, and there was a small garden to the right of the front door. There was a light brown colored deck that connected the door and the ground.

I felt Harry take my hand in his and imetiently smiled. It was a beautiful house. It was where I would be for the rest of my life.

"It's amazing Harry. Absolutely gorgeous." I said taking in every detail.

He smiled at me and tugged my arm so I would be closer to him. I smiled as well, but right before our lips touched, Ava tackled me into the mud.

"Park!!!" She yelled as we went down.

I heard Harry laugh as I pushed her off of me and sat up. El was smiling, and Cam was holding back her laughs.

"Ava! Really!?" I said wiping mud off my face.

Harry extended his hand to me. I took it and mummbled 'thanks'. I started to get up, when Ava grabbed my arm and pulled Harry in the mud too.

Mud splattered on El and Cam and they screamed. Me and Harry were laughing and wrestling as Ava pulled Cam in. El screamed again when they threw mud at her.

We were all laughing and messing around, we didnt even notice that the boys all came out.

I sat up and looked at Ava. She smiled evily and chucked a huge wad of mud at my face. I laughed and threw one back.

This is my real family, and this is where I belong.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now