Chapter Twenty One

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"Can I get up now?"


"Please. They aren't home."


"But I want to get up."


"Cam, come on!" I whined, "I'm hungry!"

She shook her head and continued to type away on her phone. "Sorry, Harry told me you have to stay in bed."

"But they left and hour ago!! I just want to go in the garden." I sighed.

"Fine." Cam said grabbing her phone. She got off the bed and pulled me up.

I grabbed my phone as well, and we were out the door.


It was getting colder out, so the plants were slowly dying. I wanted to help make them grow, but Alisa said I shouldn't do that because it messes with the order of nature.

I sat on some fallen leaves and Cam sat with me. She looked around and smiled.

"Fall really is beautiful. Not the weather, but nature. It's really pretty."

"I know. I just wanted to come out before all the plants die..." I sighed, touching the floor, "it might sound a little weird, but I can sort of sense that the earth wants me to make the plants grow. It's a weird feeling."

"No I totally get it. I mean, you are a hybrid of almost like, everything. So it's understandable." Cam nodded.

I smiled and looked away, "And I've had this weird feeling for the past couple days... like someone, or something is trying to warn me about something, or someone."

Cam gave me a weird look and raised her eybrow. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to explain, but I feel something bad will happen. I don't really know though." I said shrugging.

Cam gave me a weird look, and sighed. "You really think something will happen?"

"I don't know. It's just a weird feeling." I said shaking it off.

Cam gave me one last look, then looked away.

I mentally slapped myself for saying anything. Why would I even say that? I wasn't even thinking it.

I layed down and closed my eyes.

With everything that has happened lately, I've been so stressed out, I have completely forgotten that I'm having a baby.

When am I going to tell Harry? How will he react? How will the boys react? Only the girls know.

"Cam, how do you think Harry will respond when I tell him about the baby?"

"I don't know, he's your mate, how do you think he'll respond?" She said laying with me.

"I can't imagine anything, it's hard to guess."

She agreed, then we both fell silent. It was peaceful out, with no wind, only nature's sound.

I was slowly falling asleep, and right when I started to lose consciences, I heard rustling.

Me and Cam both shot up and got into a fighting stance.

We both looked at heachother and then back at the bushes.

It rustled again, then Cam screamed.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now