Chapter Fifty One

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"Let me go!"

I struggled to get out of Rob's grip. His hands were gripping my upper arms very tightly, and I was certain that it would bruise if he didn't let go soon.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant Parker? You would've made all of this so much easier! But you had to keep it a fucking secret, and now guess what? You, your mate, and your baby will all die." He said snarling. He pushed me into a bed, and took a gun out from his back pocket.

"Please. Rob, don't." I said weakly. My stomach was starting to cramp up, and I knew a contraction was coming.

"What's stopping me!?" He yelled. "My plan was going perfectly! Perfectly! Then you fucked it up by keeping quiet about you being pregnant! You ruined my once chance at power, and now I'm going to kill your chance at happiness."

"Rob please wait!" I screamed. I felt the contraction hit, and tried to hold back my screams, but it was too much.

Rob suddenly looked neutral, and dropped his gun on the floor. He looked at me and worry flashed his face.

The contraction ended, and I was a sweaty mess. Rob looked at me, and then to the gun.

"I almost shot you."

"Yeah. You did." I said in a strained voice.

"I'm sorry, I don't... I don't know what came over me." he said with a pained expression.

"Yeah, that's great, but if you can't see, labor. Right now." I said as tears came to my eyes.

"What can I do?" He said standing over me awkwardly.

"Let," I swallowed and let my head fall into the pillow, "me go."

"I... I can't." He said bringing his hands up to his hair and pulling. He turned around and growled to himself. He kicked his desk chair, and it flew across the room. A painful memory flashed from when I was in school, when Harry...

"Rob..." I closed my eyes, feeling extremely weak, "Please."

He stared at me, and seemed to be weighing his options. He looked like me, like he was in pain. He also looked strained, he didn't know what to do.

"Parker I want to! But... I can't. I made a deal. I have to keep it, or he'll kill me." He looked close to tears, I could tell he was telling the truth.

"Rob, who is he? What's his name?" I asked feeling another contraction.

He fell on his knees, and looked at me with a worried expression. I reached my hand out, and he immediately grabbed it.

I know I shouldn't trust Rob, but I can tell. He is telling me the truth, Rob would never get this emotional, and he looked terrified when he said that he would kill him.

I screamed loudly and a contraction hit. I squeezed Rob's hand so tightly, his face contorted with pain. Even though he is helping me right now.

Bitch deserves it.

The contraction ended, and I felt so tired. I just want to sleep.

"Park, I'm so sorry. I should never had listened to him." Rob said moving hair out of my face.

I nodded, and closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing.


Rob suddenly sped towards the door, but before he left he turns back at me with a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry Park."

He turned away again, but I neded to know.

"Rob wait," I said breathing heavily. He glanced back at me, and with out me even asking, he told me what I needed to know.


*Park on side, or above*


Author's Note


Anyway, so I have a little suprise for you all...

I can't tell you guys yet, you understand... But, I can strongly encourage you to go re-read the very first couple chapters of this book.

Pay close attention, very close attention to everything.

Got that?


Well good luck! I love you all!

Stay beautiful,


P.s., small light gray boxes.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now