Chapter Thirty Nine

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I was woken up my someone shaking my shoulder. I tured over and saw Nate smiling at me. I gave him a small smile back and put my hand on my forhead.

I did not sleep well. At all.

My head is pounding, and my back hurts.

I slowly sat up and pushed the blanket off me. Nate's eyes widened and he gasped. I gave him a look and slowly averted my gaze to my stomach.

I gasped and looked up and Nate, beginging to hyperventalate. He got up from the chair and came to me, squatting down and grabbing my arms.

"Park, its okay. You're fine. You need to calm down, it's not good for the baby." He said rubbing my arms.

I felt tears in my eyes, I looked back down and saw how huge I was.

I looked like I was seven months pregnant.

I mean, I know I've been growing more, a lot more, the past couple days, but... This big that fast?

"How? I know I was big, but I wasn't nearly this big last night." I asked smiling and holding my stomach.

Even though I'm confused and scared, my baby. Mine and Harry's baby. It's okay, it's growing.

"Remember how you're a werewolf? And Angel, demon, and faerie? Werewolves take five months to have a baby, angels are the same. Demons and faeries can have a baby in a matter of a couple days. So I guess yours will take a couple weeks."

I smiled again and looked down at my stomach. Then my heart dropped.


Nate looked at me then to the door. He stood up and put his hand on his forehead.

"How am I going to hide this from him?" I asked starting to cry.


"So what's the plan guys?" Niall asked sitting at the table.

Zayn sat next to him, then Perrie, Lou, El, Liam, Ava, Ed, Nolan, Azalia, me, Shannon, Aria, Sapphire, Emilie, Alisa, and Cam next to Niall.

"Well we can't get it perfect, because we don't know what will happen with the guards, and when they change shifts, but we can assume that there will be less then two minutes to get in the house." Liam said.

"Then we will need to stay in Ava's room untill Nate comes and tells us it's okay to go." I started.

"And the ones who don't make it into the house will wait in the woods. Just incase it gets bad." Lou finished.

They all nodded and I looked back at Liam. We talked earlier about Park being pregnant. It doesn't take long for a baby to be born, and with so many different things in her blood, there's no telling what could happen.

"And guys," I said getting all their attention, "if anything happens to Park, our number one priority should be to get her to safety as fast as we possibly can."

Everyone nodded and then Liam dismissed the meeting.

I stood up and walked upstairs. Nolan was close behind me, and I could tell he wanted something. When I got to my room, I turned.

"Yes Nolan?" I asked turning the nob.

"May we talk? Please?" He said pointing inside mine and Parker's room.

I hesitantly nodded and he walked in.

He was on the desk chair, and me on the bed.

"Listen mate... I haven't been completely honest with you all."

I growled and began to stand up, "I knew it! You wanted to kill her from the start!"

"Wait no!!" Nolan cloesed his eyes and flinched backwards.

I stopped and took a step back, swallowing my desire to hit him over and over again.

"Harry, I agree to partnering with the Northern Pack, but it's not what it seems. I agreed because my father and sister made me. And after a while... I agreed with them." He said never taking his eyes off me.

"Your father? Sister? Who are you Nolan? Who's your dad? How does he know Park?"

"My father is her uncle. I'm her cousin."

I stared at Nolan, not knowing what to say. He looked down at the floor and sighed.

"Who's your dad Nolan?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"My dad's not someone you wanna mess with. My dad's Satan. And Azalia is my sister."

I stared at Nolan with disbelief. Cousins? With Park? His dad is Satan? What?

"My father has a sister, who was a demon and a faerie, she had a girl, who is Park. But my aunt, Park's mom, had a relationship with a werewolf. So my uncle, John, is a werewolf and an Angel. So thus makes Park the ultimate hybrid. Everything but vampire."

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now