Chapter Fifty nine

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"Wait, where's Nolan?" I asked once I noticed he wasn't in the room.

Azalia looked sad, and she didn't try to hide it as she informed me of what had happened.

"The bullet that was going to you, he jumped in front of you."

"I know, I need to thank him." I said.

"I don't think you'll be able to. Um, the bullet was laced with demon's blood, the most toxic thing on the planet. I don't think he'll make it..." Azalia broke off and looked away from Park.

"I'm so sorry Azalia, I didn't mean to scare you."

In the doorway was the man of the hour. Azalia ran up to him and embraced him. She let him go quickly and examined his arms, face, chest, and legs.

"Sis, I'm fine, dad fixed me up." He said laughing lightly.

"You were too far gone! It should've killed you!" She said crying.

Nolan wiped her tear away and smiled, "I said I would live through it. My will power is extraordinary high."

They hugged again, and Azailia whispered, "Do that again and I'll personally drag you back to hell myself."

Nolan then walked to my bedside, and grabbed my hand gently. "How are you, Park?" He said in a soothing voice.

"I'm okay. I have a question for you though, and it's really important." I said glancing at Harry.

"What is it?"

"I want to name my son after you."

Nolan looked speechless. His eyebrows raised, and his lips parted. His grip on my hand tightened a little, and he quickly glanced at Harry, before returning his look to me. "Parker, are you sure? They're are better nam-"

"I, nor they, wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you. I want him to be named after a hero."

Nolan smiled sadly at me, and nodded. "I would be honored."

"Nolan..." Harry paused, and looked at Liam, Niall, and Lou, "Zayn Styles."

The three of them looked at the ground and smiled lightly.

"Harry, I want to name our little princess in honor of your sister. But, instead of her name, how about Emma?"

Harry let the tears fall ask he sat down next to me on the bed. She smiled as he cried, and nodded. "It's perfect, my love."

I glanced at Lou, and noticed he was holding back tears. "Emma Eleanor Styles."

He looked up and smiled at me. He wiped his eyes and looked at the celing with a grin.

"Nolan Zayn, and Emma Eleanor. Our kids, Harry. Our twins."

Harry leaned forward and kissed me quickly. Cam and Ava handed us the kids back and smiled at me and Harry.

"Congrats guys. They're so beautiful." Can said looking at Emma.

I smiled and looked down at my daughter. She'll grow up to be wonderful. She'll be perfect.

So will Nolan. He'll dominate his life. They're two perfect, little, wonderful fool's that'll grow up to be magnificent people.

Because they are mine, and Harry's kids.


Author's Note

I am so sorry it took me so long. So much stuff happned in my life the past few weeks, and I apologize.

There was nothing I could really write, because all I could think about was the horrible things that had happened.

Again, I'm sorry. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon.

Stay beautiful,


Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now