Chapter Forty Three

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Rob let go of my arms and stood at the bed side. His arms were crossed in front of his chest and his nostrals were flared. His once green eyes were as dark as they would ever go.

"So this is what you've been hiding from me, eh?" He said glaring down at me.

I sat up, and my hands slowly went under the pillow and searched for Nate's phone. I put it under there when I ended the call with Harry, Nate said I should keep it just in case.

I found it and in this moment I was so happy that I had an iPhone too, because I could unlock and dial without looking at the screen.

Rob sighed and stepped to the side, shaking his head.

I almost passed out.

Nate was between Ricky and Mike, his hands tied behind his back, his mouth was ducktaped shut, and his face slightly bloody and bruised.

I felt the tears coming to my eyes, but knew if I didn't call Harry he wouldn't know that we were in a gigantic amount of danger.

I quickly put in Harry's number and pressed dial.

"I was so upset when I came in here earlier to see how everything was going, and instead I saw you, pregnant. And Nate sitting by your side holding your hand. You were asleep of course, but little Nate here was not.

"So I had to use certain... Methods... To make him talk. And I know you are very pregnant, and that you will give birth... very soon."

I was praying that Harry had picked up. I was praying so hard for him to hear all of this.

"I was suprised that you kept this from me. Extremely surprised. But I need you to know Park, I do have an issue here. A big issue."

"Don't hurt my baby. Please. Or Harry, or Nate. Let them all live and I'll stay here. I'll never leave, I'll stay here, with you. Please," I felt the tears fall, "please don't hurt my family."

"Oh Park," Rob smiled at me, but it vanished as he turned to Nate, "I'm afraid that's too late."

Rob reached into his shoe and a small knife was taken out of it. He twirled it in his hand and brought it up.

"NOO!" I screamed, flinging myself off the bed and into Rob, he stumbled sideways, losing his grip on the knife.

I felt a sharp pain center on my upper arm, and a warm sensation spread down it. I winced and I heard Nate scream through the tape.

I remember Mike and Ricky saying they were on our side, so I understand how Nate "escaped".

His hands were untied, and the tape on his mouth was gone before Rob and I hit the floor.

Nate grabbed Rob by his shoulders and threw him across the room. He hit the dresser, and everything flew everywhere.

Nate growled and stood in front of me. Ricky carefully picked me up off the floor and gave me to Mike. My arm was burning, and my vision was blurry.

I heard growls, smashing, tearing, and very loud bangs.

There was yelling, screaming, and panic everywhere in the house. I briefly saw Nate and Rob fighting, and everything was becoming dark.

I tried to yell Nate's name, but it was too late, he was thrown across the room by Rob. He slammed into the window, shattering it, and flew out of the house.

I could've found the strength to scream, but everything was fading away.

"Parker, you need to tell Harry something. Say they change shifts at five, Park, we'll go get Nate, you have to yell it." I heard Mike whisper in my ear.

I saw Rob walking towards me, and I knew Harry would still be on the phone if he was, so I gathered as much strength as I could possibly gather and screamed.


Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now