Chapter Thirty Seven

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I glared up at him from my seat.

Rob was standing on front of me, leaning back on his desk, his arms crossed over his chest.

"So Park... I wanted to have a chat before Har-" he stopped, but composed himself quickly, "A chat before tomorrow night."

I tilted my head and raised my eyebrow at him.

He saw my facial expression and smiled. "The night Park."

I felt like I was going to throw up. Wait. Just nerves.

"I know what you did Rob." I said standing up and standing tall.

He narrowed his eyes and pushed himself off the desk, getting closer to me. He put his hands at my waist.

I imetiently pushed his arms away, but he grabbed both of my wrists and looked me dead in the eye, my broken one throbbed in pain.

"I have four wolves around the perimeter of your house as we speak. I also have four men with sliver knives, and bullets in their guns. They are all stationed at your precious house. One wrong move, I press that button," he nodded his head to his desk and I saw a small black remote with a red and a black button, "and your whole family dies."

I froze and closed my eyes. I felt his hands go back to my waist and me pulled me closer to him.

I opened my eyes and before I could see anything, I was against Rob, and he was kissing me.


I was sitting on the couch with Liam, Niall, Zayn, Louis, Ed, and Nate. He just got here.

"So if you come at nine, the guards switch shifts. At exactly nine the guard at the west side of the house, where Ava's room is, leaves and it takes the next guard exactly three minutes to get there."

"So in three minutes we have to find the hole in the wall and climb into her old room?"

"Exactly. I checked today, it's still open, but like I said, there is a guard there." Nate said marking it on the blueprint.

"Where exactly is Pa-"

An unberable pain shot through my whole body. I closed my eyes and screamed, making everyone freak out.

"Harry!?" Ed said, shooting up, and right when he was about to touch me, pain lashed again, and I toppled off the couch.

I curled into a ball on the floor and clutched my chest, breathing heavily.

I opened my eyes slightly, and saw Liam panicking, he knew something, "Nate go!!"

Nate disappeared from my view and I heard a door slam.

I could feel more intense amounts of pain boring into my soul. I knew I was losing consciences when I saw an image of Rob pushing Park into a wall and kissing her.

I looked up at Liam and his eyes widened. I know he saw what I did. He was looking into my mind.

"Harry," his voice was so distant, "Harry, you can let go. Fall asleep. It's alright."

"But... Park... Save... Baby..."

Another flash of Rob and Park, and I was out.

Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now