Chapter Six

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"Harry, it's not a big deal!"

"Mate, calm down."

"I never should have said anything."

"Please Harry, just sit down."

Harry was furious.

When Ava said my name, Harry went off.

He was storming around the kitchen, yelling out curse words. Whenever someone tried to touch him, he would growl and his eyes would turn even more yellow.

"He wants Park! How the fuck am I suposto calm down!?" Harry raged, I could almost see the fire burning in his eyes.

"Harry, if we just con-"

"No Liam! Rob wants Park, and like Ava said, he won't stop until he gets what he wants!" Harry interupted Liam, who was standing next to me.

"We'll figure something out, everything will be f-"

"NO IT WON'T!" Harry screamed, cuting Cam off.

Harry turned and flew upstairs, too fast for a human to see. Even for us werewolves, it was still blury.

I turned around to face eyeryone, "I'm sorry. I'll go talk to him."


About ten minutes later, I was heading upstairs.

Liam, Ava, Cam, Niall, Lou, El, and Ed were all shouting at me not to go.

The other three couldn't care less.

I know who really care now at least.

I knocked on the door softly before entering. I didn't hear anything from inside, but I can smell him.

"Harry?" I whispered, closing the door gently behind me.

He was laying on his back on our bed. He was looking at the celing, with a very pissed off expression.

I could feel the anger coursing through his veins. From the door, I could see his eyes, burning yellow.

"Harry? Are you alright?" I asked in a soft voice, taking slow steps towards the bed.

He closed his eyes and grabbed the duvet in two tight fists. His knuckles were white when I carefully sat down.


He opened his eyes and cast his gaze on me. His eyes were still vibrant yellow, but slowly becoming green again.

"I don't want anything to happen to you." he whispered. I saw a tear fall out of the corner of his eye.

"Harry," I sighed, getting on my knees and leaning slightly over him.

"I love you Park. If he takes you from me..."

His eyes were turning yellow again. I cupped his face with my hands and wiped some tears away with my thumbs.

"I'm not going anywhere Harry. I promise." I whispered, leaning closer to him.

His eyes were glassy as he said the words I knew were coming.

"I can't be here if you'll be in trouble."

"Harry, no. Don't say that." I whimpered, tears clouding my vision. "If you leave, I'll be in more trouble. Please don't leave me."

Harry brought his hand to my cheek and nodded slowly, making his hair go all over the pillow under his head.

"I can never leave you."

I let out a sob and leaned all the way on Harry. I was basically laying on him. I buried my face in his neck and let the tears fall freely.

Harry was crying too, not trying to hide it. He wrapped his arms around me and cried with his forehead on my shoulder.

"P-Please don't l-leave me Harry!" I cried, choking out words.

I honestly have no idea how I would handle Harry leaving me. We're mates, we're friends, we're basically family. How would I handle it?

If Harry did leave me, would Rob get me and fulfill whatever he is planning? Would he win? What would happen to my pack? Ava? Ed?

Would they get killed? Would they look for me? What about Zayn, Perrie, and Nolan? Scratch that.

What about Zayn and Perrie? Would they help? Perrie hates me for some unknown reason, she would probably let me die. Or worse, let everyone die. I am willing to bet it's her that would be the first to change to Rob's side. I wouldn't be surprised if she was already on his side.

"I love you so much Park." Harry said onto my shoulder, tearing me from my thoughts.

I pulled away, to be able to see Harry's face. He had more tears ready to fall as I stared into his green eyes.

"I love you more then you know, Harry. So much more."

I brought my lips to his. It was slow and passionate. We both needed love right now, and this kiss was the perfect solution. Sweet, loving, and compasonete. The perfect combination.

I pulled away from Harry and smiled, leaning my forehead on his. He sighed and his arms tightened around me. He leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose quickly.

I felt like crying again as I thought about everything that happened in the last hour.

"Always gets what he wants..."

"Something to weaken Harry..."

"Rob wants power..."

"Will stop at nothing..."

"Only one person can give him it..."

I looked down at Harry and felt my heart tighten at the idea of Rob having me. Taking Harry from me.

"Nothing will tear us apart Harry. Nothing." I whispered, running my hand through his hair.

I leaned forward and smashed my lips to his.

The kiss soon became something more, and both our shirts were across the room.

All that was flying around in my mind was that Harry would be mine forever, and nothing could take him from me.


Hunted | second book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now